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我喜欢吃健康食品。I like to have heathy food.

如果停止吸烟他会健康。He will be heathy if he stops smoking.

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桑茶是一种有保健作用的老少皆宜的健身茶。It is good for health as a heathy tea.

那是一个肯定成功的快速健康的减肥方法。That's a foolproof plan for fast and heathy weight loss.

我会死在一个新鲜的,健康的躯体里。那里就是我的天堂。I will die in a fresh heathy body. That will be the heaven of mine.

⊙、每一个忠实于未来,为了美好的未来而牺牲的人都是一座石南的雕像。Every faithful to the future, in order to better future sacrifice is a heathy statue.

我希望所有的人在冬天都健康,并且在冬季生活的愉快。I wish all the people will be heathy in the winter and live a happy life in the winter.

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他们中许多人是年轻人,而他们在被感染之前是健康的。Many of those who died were young adults who were heathy healthy before they became infected.

当你在运动的时候,你的整个身体都动了起来,这会使你变得健康。When you are doing exercise, your whole body can get moved, which will make you become heathy.

很少使用调味料,还经常生吃各种食物。他们认为这样健康、绿色。Use little flavors on cooking and usually eat foods uncooked. They think it's heathy and organic.

身体健康,愿意频繁出差有相关印刷行或机械制造行业背景。Heathy and available for frequent business trip. 1-2 years experience of printing job or machinery field.

“世界网络游戏”是世界上第一个网络游戏节,旨在建立健康的网络文化。The World Cyber Games is the world's first Cyber Game Festival, designed to build a heathy cyber culture.

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在当前学校内部管理体制改革中,教师的思想状况主流稳定、积极,工作积极性普遍提高。During the reform in school management system, the teaching staff trend to be stable, active and mentally heathy.

下部结构的好坏直接关系到全桥的技术状况,甚至起着决定性的作用。Whether the infrastructure is heathy or not is directly relevant , sometimes even decisive to the whole bridge's working status.

教育结构适应经济发展的实际水平是教育健康发展的前提条件。The prerequisite for heathy Developvhent of education is that the educational structure must be fit for the development of economy.

她的故事并不鲜见。她有一个单亲母亲,带着好几个同母异父的孩子,而且还有精神病史。Her story is not new. her mother is a single parent with several children from different fathers and the history mental heathy issues.

结论该实验测出健康幼猴粪便内正常菌群值可作为健康幼猴肠道内正常菌群值的参考。Conclusion These normal microflora values in feces were reference values in intestinal of heathy domestically bred young rhesus macaque.

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慧俪轻体于2008年加入达能集团,致力于提供全球领先的减重和咨询服务,并帮助人们维持健康体重。Weight Watchers joined in Danone since 2008, it focuses on provide the advanced consulting service for the people who needs to lose weight and keep the heathy avoirdupois.

双歧杆菌作为肠道有益菌群之一,正越来越多地被应用到食品工业中。本文介绍了双歧杆菌的生物与保健功能特性,以及双歧杆菌的开发应用前景。As one of the most important probiotics, bifidobacterium has been widely used in food industry. Its biologic and heathy functions and the application prospects were discussed in this article.

从农村城镇化角度入手,探析农村社区教育功能的新内涵,强调社区教育功能的健全与否直接关系到农村城镇化建设的成就。Based on the urbanization of China's countryside, the new implication of community education, and the heathy development of countryside's community education is the key to the success of urbanization.