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这个词没有单数形式。"Trousers" has no singular.

那是一种光怪陆离的杂拌儿。It was a singular pell-mell.

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这个名词是单数形式。The noun is in the singular.

我将成为一个非凡的商人。I would be a singular businessman.

她是个绝色美人。She was a woman of singular beauty.

这就是时尚界的单数理论。This is known as the Fashion Singular.

主体是单数还是复数?I. 1 Is the subject singular or plural?

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与他交谈是一种非同平常的体验。Talking to him is a singular experience.

一天傍晚,他遇到一件怪事。One evening he had a singular apparition.

单数主语与单数动词连用。Singular subjects go with singular verbs.

马施说,“这是一个独一无二的事件,与地球内部的第一次接触,这里的岩浆是新鲜的。”This is a singular event of first contact

法语中“屏幕”一词为"ecran",是阳性单数。" in French and is masculine and singular.

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乳罩为什么是单数,而内裤是复数。Why is "bra" singular and "panties" plural?

他的内心有了一种怪异的厌世情绪。A singular sort of misanthropy possessed him.

英语中,名词有单复数之分。In english , nouns can be singular or plural.

集合名词与单数动词连用。Collective nouns are used with singular verbs.

可数名词单数前需用限定词。Singular count nouns always take a determiner.

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共轭点,奇异点,图表。Conjugate Points. Singular Points. The Diagram.

可数名词有单数和复数之分。Countable nouns have singular and plural forms.

那个人的奇特外貌给我留下了深刻的印象。I was struck with the man's singular appearance.