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你可以用吸尘器清扫天花板。You can hoover the ceiling.

胡佛留下的遗风毁誉参半。Hoover leaves a bipolar legacy.

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我是胡佛研究院的皮特·罗宾逊。I'm Peter Robinson with Hoover institution.

胡佛离开一九二五年内阁。Hoover left the cabinet in nineteen twenty-five.

未完待续,胡威尔版权所有。To be continued, Hoover Hoo all rights reserved.

像布什一样,据说胡佛变得郁郁寡欢。Like Bush, Hoover is said to have become depressed.

约翰•科根,斯坦福大学,胡佛研究所。John Cogan, Hoover Institution, Stanford University.

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胡佛和托尔森共事40多年。Hoover and Tolson worked together more than 40 years.

在你不具备分析能力之前,你只得胡乱吸收你所能学到的东西。You have to hoover anything before you can analyze it.

胡福-硕茨只来得及把他的头缩回去,却没来得及把拇指抽回。Hoover Shoates got his head out of the way but not his thumb.

胡佛精于管理而拙于政治。Hoover was inept at politics as he was superb administration.

我爬高并改平准备最后一个机动动作,即胡佛摇摆。I climb and reposition for my last maneuver, the Hoover Pitch.

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我不认为我们会同情胡福-硕茨。I don't think we're meant to feel much for Hoover Shoates here.

跨度1900英尺,横穿科罗拉多河胡佛大坝的水库A 1, 900-foot span across the Colorado River shadows the Hoover Dam

胡佛曾把前任司法部长拉姆齐·克拉克叫做软骨头。Hoover had called former Attorney General Ramsey Clark a jelly-fish.

然而,据警方透露,他在发现有线服务已经终止后心烦意乱地朝电视机开了一枪。Police say that's when Hoover got upset and fired a shot into the TV.

我想到了赫伯特胡佛在大萧条中所面对的境况。I’m thinking of what Herbert Hoover faced during the Great Depression.

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胡佛风洞直立式吸尘器,重量轻!Hoover Windtunnel Upright Vacuum Cleaner, Lightweight! Model U5402 900.

为了全面地进入到胡佛这个角色里,迪卡普里奥做了数月的调研。Mr. DiCaprio did months of research to be able to inhabit Hoover fully.

最后,美国总统赫伯特·胡佛下达了一年的禁令。as a result, US President Herbert Hoover introduced a one-year moratorium.