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没有人能够剥夺你做使你快乐的事情的权利。No one will curtail you to do things that make you happy.

至于这是否会在很大程度上遏制打金业还要拭目以待。Whether it will greatly curtail gold farming remains to be seen.

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萨科齐此前曾向北京施压,要求其帮助遏制伊朗核计划。Sarkozy has pressed Beijing to help curtail Iran's nuclear plans.

对渡边而言,人们要求削减电力供应的呼声让然感到自豪。For Watanabe, the calls to curtail power gave him a sense of pride.

政府希望在下个财税年度减少公家开支。The government hopes to curtail public spending in the next tax year.

但是在赚了大钱的年份限制奖金派发又会遭雇员抱怨。But curtail bonuses after a profitable year, and employees will grumble.

对于非线性频率步进技术的研究,国内外尚处于起步阶段。The research on the non-linear stepped-frequency technology is still a curtail step in the world.

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艾因霍恩说,美国还希望中国支持遏制伊朗开发核武器。Mr. Einhorn said the U.S. also needs China's support to curtail Iran's pursuit of nuclear weapons.

奥巴马总统宣称他计划减少美国公司通过海外操作的避税行为。Barack Obama said that he wanted to curtail tax avoidance by American firms with overseas operations.

高油价将威胁到消费者在服饰与电子产品消费上的适度复苏。It threatens to curtail a modest recovery in consumer spending on items like apparel and electronics.

这些产品的交易活动也受到规则的限制,自上个月开始以来,其成交量一直很低。Rules also curtail activity in these products, and volume has remained small since last month's debut.

当美国著作权协会试图让亚马逊缩减其旧书市场的时候,这家公司拒绝让步。When theAuthor’s Guild tried to getAmazon to curtail its used-book market, the companyrefused to backdown.

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为了减少连锡孔网应不少于钢网厚度。As a rule of thumb, aperture webs should be no less than the stencil thickness to curtail bridging defects.

要想减少人口增长,唯一可行的方法就是借助更有效的生育控制项目。The only feasible way to curtail population growth, is to resort to a more effective birth-control project.

北朝鲜在过去曾允诺缩减核计划来换取能源和经济的援助。North Korea in the past has promised to curtail its nuclear program in exchange for energy and economic aid.

达成共同战略的一致,减少短命污染物将是这些国家付诸行动的好方法。Agreeing on a shared strategy to curtail short-lived pollutants would be a good way for all of them to start.

更有可能的是小规模,有限的精锐装甲部队突袭,仅仅以削弱火箭发射能力和杀死哈马斯武装人员为目标。More likely are small, limited armored incursions, intended to curtail missile launches and kill Hamas fighters.

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开普公寓区因帮派战争和非法贩毒而闻名,标志着南非减少犯罪的迫切需要。Infamous for gang wars and illicit drugs, Cape Flats is emblematic of South Africa's urgent need to curtail crime.

国家不能在不激怒全体民众的情况下缩减这种企业活动,尽管它断断续续地试过缩减的可能。The state could not curtail such activities without inflaming the entire populace, although it periodically tried.

该系统能提高施工质量,缩短施工周期。The electro-hydraulic system will curtail action cycle, improve the quality of pile driving and promote efficiency.