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规则还是不规则?Regular or irregular?

规则还是不规则的,嗯?Regular or irregular?Hmm?

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它是规则还是不规则呢?Is it regular or irregular?

他的行为很不规矩。His behaviour is highly irregular.

这些奖章的颁发无章可循。These medals are of irregular awarding.

她的不规则心跳开始变得正常起来。Her irregular heartbeats began to even out.

凝血细胞呈球形或不规则形。Thrombocyte is round or irregular in shape.

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写出以下不规则名词的复数形式。Write the irregular plurals of these nouns.

她的前牙排列不整齐。Her front teeth were irregular in formation.

绿色的石体里掺杂着红色的斑点,是块鸡血石。Green with red irregular spots, a bloodstone.

她对全班学生进行了不规则动词的测验。She tested the whole class on irregular verbs.

写出以下不规则名词的复数形式。Write in the irregular plurals of these nouns.

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但是据我们了解不定期船还是有的。It goes by boat and the sailings are irregular.

那男孩的牙齿非常之不整齐。E. g- The little boy's teeth are very irregular.

右下叶见不规则的有细毛刺的卵圆形肿块。Irregular spiculated ovoid mass is noted in RLL.

觉得不规则的,就举左手。Raise your left hand if you think it's irregular.

并有多个突起呈不规则形状。And the multiple apophysis showed irregular shape.

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这里出现了多少和弦,规则还是不规则的?How many chords are involved?Regular or irregular?

月经不调可导致不孕吗?Irregular menstruation can lead to infertility it?

靠近根部的叶子上会长出不规则的黄斑。Irregular yellow spots may appear on lower leaves.