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可服务性,包括自主数据收集。Serviceability, including autonomic data collection

它们逐一改变你的自主神经系统平衡。They change the balance in your autonomic nervous system.

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新陈代谢是衡量植物神经系统。Metabolism is a measurement of the Autonomic Nervous System.

神经调节胰岛受自主神经支配。Nerve regulation island of langerhans autonomic nerve control.

自治管理器和资源管理器提供了支持服务。Autonomic managers and resource managers provide enabling services.

该设计支持自主运算自愈合能力。This design supports the autonomic computing self-healing capability.

在其他自主神经节的两性差异的证据也有报道。Evidence for dimorphisms in other autonomic ganglia has also been presented.

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在作用前后,分别对植物神经平衡状态进行评定。Before and after experiment, to assess the state of balance of autonomic nerve.

可以利用这些特性开发自治和自适应系统。You can develop autonomic and self-adapting systems by exploiting these features.

作为心脏的一个基本生物节律,其主要受自主神经的调控。As a basic biological rhythm of heart, TS was mainly controlled by autonomic nerve.

在某种意义上,自治的恢复例行程序提供了一个标准的持续的技术支持。In a sense, autonomic recovery routines provide a level of continuous technical support.

自主神经系统的调节是许多心血管事件的重要因素。The regulation of autonomic nerve system is the important factor of cardiovasculars events.

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方法对108例急性脑梗塞患者植物神经应激状态进行观察。Methods Autonomic nerve irritability state were observed in 108 cases of acute brain infarct.

这些平台上的自主计算的主要好处是基于标准的易管理性。The major benefit of autonomic computing on these platforms is standards-based manageability.

收缩结束,对植物神经系统产生的作用开始显现。The contraction completed, the effects on the autonomic nervous system may now come into play.

尿毒症本身即为心脏自主神经系统损害的独立因素。Uremia itself is an independent factor for the impairment of cardiac autonomic nervous system.

反射减低或减低,自主功能障碍和颅神经受累是常见的并发症。Hypo- or areflexia, autonomic dysfunction and cranial nerve involvement is commonly associated.

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设计了一个基于单片机的自主式深海浮游微生物取样器控制系统。Design of an autonomic deepsea plankton sampler control system based on single chip is introduced.

伊丽莎白欧杰蒂是为加那利岛屿的自治政府工作的一名生物学家。Elizabeth Ojeda Land is a biologist that works for the autonomic government of the Canary Islands.

通常我们的自主神经系统是在不断的平衡和副交感神经。Normally our autonomic nervous system is in a constant balance of sympathetic and parasympathetic.