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这才是大事儿。This is massive.

绝对巨额。Absolutely massive.

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它是一个非常热闹的景区。.It's a massive hotspot.

我建起巨大的石棺。I build massive sarcophagi.

这就是一个盛大的节日。It's just one massive festival.

硬木地板橡木,山毛榉,白蜡木。Massive parquets oak, beech, ash.

卢卡斯别墅超级烟花派对!Luga's Villa MASSIVE Fireworks party!

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那么多人选下呀Okay there's a massive majority for Down.

这能大大改变世界,-足以。massive transforming the world.- It does.

我们还有一个大规模的重造热带雨林计划。We need a massive reforestation programme.

韩国将在朝韩边境举行最大规模军演。S. Korea starts massive drills near border.

此庙由粗大的柱子支撑。The temple is supported by massive columns.

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现如今,土卫六是土星的唯一一颗大型卫星。Today, Saturn's only massive moon is Titan.

在他身后悬挂着一块大型绿色屏幕。A massive green screen is draped behind him.

南丰对大型项目情有独钟。Antony goes for projects on a massive scale.

这消息使所有人都为之一振。The news has given everyone a massive boost.

罚款的威胁也无济于事。Threats of massive fines have gone unheeded.

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心中对太子失望透顶。Heart was a massive disappointment to prince.

主教大人沉睡在他的大床上。The Bishop is fast asleep in his massive bed.

他说,这起信托欺诈案数目很庞大。The breach of trust , "he said, "was massive.