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他们工种的技术含量大幅度提高。Their jobs have been drastically upskilled.

由于大雾,能见度遽烈的减低。Because of the fog, visibility was drastically reduced.

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这些工具箱式的常识会随着科技进步而大幅增长。That toolkit will be drastically expanded by technology.

这里的住宅区之间差别非常大。it changes really drastically from neighborhood to neighborhood.

每个区都迥然不同,所以They're very drastically different from one spot to the other. So

计算机存储容量的天空,火箭和价格大幅度下降。Computer memory capacity sky-rocketed and prices dropped drastically.

流通领域的货币供应量一夜骤减。The supply of money in circulation was drastically reduced overnight.

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在过去的50年一副的尺寸变化很大。The sizing of clothing has changed drastically over the last 50 years.

这一次,消息截然不同──没有人得救。This time the story was drastically different -- nobody had been saved.

为了迎接仇恨周,到处在拼了命地加班加点。Working hours had been drastically increased in anticipation of Hate Week.

通过设立一些目标,你可以大幅度地增加成功的机会。You can drastically improve your chances of success by setting some goals.

这样可以大大减少误判或漏判的机会。This drastically reduces the chances of false positives or false negatives.

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这就如同一名赌徒竭力提高赌注以保持在赌局中的领先地位。Here was a gambler drastically raising the stakes to stay ahead of the game.

找出两个年龄相仿,但生活方式却截然不同的人来。Find two people of the same age with drastically different approaches to life.

老年人的生活安排已经彻彻底底地改变了,这是个简单的事实。That our elders' living arrangements have changed drastically is simply a fact.

经常这样做,你的发音绝对会有意想不到的提高胣——人格担保!Do this frequently and your pronunciation will drastically improve – guaranteed!

在时间之间的宝来和高尔夫推出,市场发生了急剧的变化。In the time between the Bora and Golf launch, the market had drastically changed.

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自2007年以来,我们已大幅增加了对德国制造的手表生产。Since 2007, we have drastically increased the production for German-made watches.

在这一天,商店库存有数以万件的婚纱,并且以很低的价钱出售。The store stocks thousands of gowns for that day, and marks them down drastically.

在我还处于懒散的时候,我对生活的观点却发生了巨大的改观。While I still had my moments of laziness, my outlook on life drastically improved.