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黄金铸真爱。Gold casts true love adoring.

我的让人羡慕的新郞把这样的信息放在了心里。My adoring bridegroom took the message to heart.

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祈祷中的莱布尼茨③是伟大的,崇拜中的伏尔泰是壮美的。Leibnitz praying is grand, Voltaire adoring is fine.

兄弟们啊!让行为而非言词作为你们的华饰吧!Say, O, brethren! Let deeds, not words, be your adoring.

遇到了自己心仪的女孩,并且有一种要追到手的冲动。Came adoring girl, and there is a kind of you chase hand impulse.

就像一个心仪已久的人,走近又走远一样。Be like an adoring already a long time of person, walk up and walk far similar.

2004年夺金后,在香港的一场庆功会上,刘翔还为“翔迷”一展歌喉。On a victory lap through Hong Kong after his 2004 win, he sang for adoring fans.

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向尚武一样,尚剑也早已成为中华民族精神世界的一部分。The same as adoring Wushu, adoring sword had been a part of Chinese spirit world.

她开始把马吕斯当作一种动人的、光明灿烂的、不可能的东西来崇拜。She set herself to adoring Marius as something charming, luminous, and impossible.

美国人崇拜我,并且会一直持续下去,直到我称赞他们。Americans adore me and will go on adoring me until I say something nice about them.

但很奇怪的是由于狮子男充满爱意和令人喜爱的特质,使得处女女一般很少批评他。But oddly the loving and adoring nature of the Leo man makes her less critical of him.

为了款待这位伟大的钢琴家,他的崇拜者们举行了盛大的宴会,像供奉神仙一样对他充满了敬意。His adoring public feed the grand old pianist with his leonine white mane like a semi-god.

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对她的崇拜者来说,她是一座活的反资本家的生活方式的碑。To her adoring fans, she's a living monument to the anti-capitalist, alternative lifestyle.

成百上千充满爱心的旧金山市民会为他欢呼——甚至很可能会热泪盈眶。Hundreds of adoring San Franciscans will be there to cheer -- and most likely hold back tears.

显然,作者打算提醒我们,这些青年人多么狂热地崇敬他们的偶像。Obviously, the drawer intends to remind us how crazily these youngsters are adoring their icons.

师父害羞地笑著,避开我们爱慕的眼光,默默地加持整个办公室。But she smiled bashfully and moved away from our adoring eyes silently blessing the whole office.

每次他踢足球时,全世界热爱贝克的球迷们都注视着他。Every time he plays football he is watched by thousands of adoring Becks fans all over the world.

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确实有点儿爱她,可是,那爱像天上的云,飘乎不定。I have to admit adoring her now and then. The love is not steady resembling the cloud in the sky.

而她在爱情上也是颇为得意,和男友马特-坎普很是恩爱。And her love life certainly seems on the up, judging by how openly adoring boyfriend Matt Kemp is.

于是,这位“奥巴哈先知”就经常性有规律的将智慧和俏皮话混合在一起奉献给崇拜他的普罗大众。Accordingly, the “Oracle of Omaha” regularly dispenses wisdom and witticisms to his adoring public.