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但他特别偏爱两个少年。But he dotes on the teens.

年青人通常都长有很多粉刺。Teens often have a lot of zits.

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一看到警察,这些少年就跑开了。Seeing the police, the teens ran away.

迁移持续了十多年That's in the one decade of the teens.

十几岁的孩子依然需要8到9小时的睡眠。Teens still need about 8-9 hours of sleep.

他们年轻时相遇,并在去年永结同好。They met as teens and got hitched last year.

狂躁发作的少年儿童可能Children and teens having a manic episode may

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但是最后,孩子成长到少年。But eventually, kids grow up and become teens.

儿童和青少年如何感受抑郁?How do children and teens experience depression?

而有些乖戾的青少年却不但踢他,还偷他的钱。Mean-spirited teens kick him and steal his money.

抑郁发作的少年儿童可能Children and teens having a depressive episode may

年龄稍小一点的用滑轮将岩石一筐一筐的拉出来。Younger teens then yank the rocks up with a pulley.

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与荷尔蒙相关的皮肤问题不仅仅是青少年要关注的。Hormone-related skin problems aren’t just for teens.

有问题的青少年往往「孑然一身,」他说。Teens who get into trouble are "drifting, " he says.

两个十几岁的少年在比赛飞车时受了伤。Two teens were injured playing chicken in their cars.

受影响最严重的是非洲裔青少年。The most severely affected are African-American teens.

有个针对少年及其父母的安全驾驶计划。There was a safe-driving program for teens and parents.

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所以蓝天法仅上世纪初被广泛使用So the Blue Sky Laws were basically coming in the teens.

周期性嗜睡的发病年龄大多在十几岁。Age of onset of periodic somnolence mostly in their teens.

该公司预计第二季度毛利率将维持在中下水平。It expects Q2 gross margins to be in the mid-to-low teens.