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斯万卡还是个运动员。Swank is also an athlete.

斯万卡还是个运动员。Swank, too, is an athlete.

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汤普森是位著名的运动员。Tompson was a great athlete.

马克是一个全能运动员。Markis an all-around athlete.

体操运动员平伸双臂。The young athlete throws well.

科威特运动员342号,二道。Kuweit athlete No. 342. lane two.

那个运动员身躯强壮有力。The athlete has a powerful trunk.

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她将来会成为一名很好的运动员。She will make a very good athlete.

没错,可你是个顶级学生球员。Yes, but you’re a top-tier student athlete.

1912年的奥运会马拉松比赛中,一名葡萄牙运动员因为中暑而去世。A Portugal athlete died of sunstroke in 1912

运动员如何将铅球投掷的更远?。How does the athlete throw the shot farther?

再好的运动员也有丢分的时候。It is a good athlete the never loses points.

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他是名天生的运动员,热爱篮球。He's natural athlete and he loves basketball.

她希望成为一个职业运动员。She planned to become a professional athlete.

第三位运动员是李娜,另外一位网球巨星。Third athlete was Li Na, another Tennis Star.

不过奥运是每一位运动员的目标。But the Olympics is the goal of every athlete.

他具有一个受过训练的运动员的清瘦而健康的面容。He had the lean fit look of a trained athlete.

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1972年,一个骗子,想冒充自己是运动员。In 1972, a hoaxer, pretended to be an athlete.

你看过佩姬跑步吗?她是天生的运动员。Have you seen Peggy run? She is a born athlete.

今天,我们告诉运动员杰西欧文斯的故事。Today we tell the story of athlete Jesse Owens.