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经济萧条一个接一个。One recession after another.

即使这样,衰退正四下肆虐。Even so, a recession is under way.

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衰退使经济失去活力。The recession devitalized the economy.

经济衰退,美国收入差距进一步加深。US income gap widens during recession.

而美国可以后仰陷入衰退。S. could be thrown back into recession.

什么药物可治疗牙龈萎缩?What drugs to treat gingival recession?

萧条正巧又在一个微妙的时间来临。The recession has come at a tricky time.

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目前是消费者驱动型的衰退.This is now a consumer-driven recession.

北美所有地区无一幸免地陷入衰退。All of North America is in recession now.

衰退进入最后时刻,今日的报告显示出春芽正开始再度成长,经济终于正回到复苏之路.The recession is entering its final hours.

之后,那次危机导致了08年的经济衰退。Then that brings us to the 2008 recession.

但这并非意味着景气衰退已经结束.But it does not mean the recession is over.

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最糟糕的四倍-衰退可能结束。Worst of quadruple-dip recession likely over.

哪有什么衰退?What recession? Malls, restaurants are packed.

据我国地震台已陷入衰退击倒日本。An earthquake has knocked Japan into recession.

没人会知道经济回退将会持续多久。No one knows how long this recession will last.

当然,这部影片巧妙的忽略了经济衰退。True, the film tactfully ignores the recession.

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基本上就能把我们拉出这场萧条了。It literally could pull us out of this recession.

经济不景气造成数千万的破产。The recession has caused thousands of bankruptcy.

在经济不景气时人们最不想要的是什么?What's the last thing people want in a recession?