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向布什扔鞋的伊拉克男子被释放。Shoe-throwing Iraqi reporter to be freed.


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海湾战争使伊拉克大伤元气。The Gulf War has sapped Iraqi vitality badly.

昨天伊拉克17城市爆炸,63人死亡。Bombs tear through 17 Iraqi cities, 63 killed.

衣带渐宽终不悔,为伊消得人干瘪。My end is no regrets, the Iraqi people to wave.

塔拉巴尼是伊拉克库尔德人。Mr. Talabani, who is an Iraqi Kurd , says the U.

伊拉克什叶派也是有其自身的利益的。The Iraqi Shi’ites have their own interests, too.

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今天,伊拉克大炮攻击了法奥港。Today the Iraqi artillery attacked the Al-Fao port.

例如,这是一位32岁伊拉克男子For example, here is a thirty-two-year-old Iraqi man

我碰到这个全副武装的伊拉克边防军士兵。I came across this heavily armed Iraqi border guard.

现在问题在于,是伊拉克军队有能力承担这一重任吗?The question now is, are Iraqi forces up to the job?

很早以前,有个伊拉克男孩和我一起跑步。Once, early on, a young Iraqi boy ran up alongside me.

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目前,无法确定伊军损失。For now it is impossible to determine the Iraqi losses.

我的第二个标准是一个伊拉克朋友的面容。My second benchmark is the face of an Iraqi friend here.

他们看着我说,‘没有理由,你们是伊拉克人’我听了这话——我惊呆了。You are Iraqi.' When I heard this word -- I was shocked.

食物严重缺少,伊拉克人平易近正在忍饥受饿。Bn acute lack of food brought hunger to the Iraqi people.

伊拉克掷鞋记者在巴格达获释Iraqi shoe-thrower released in Baghdad Link to this audio

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食品重大缺乏,伊拉克人民正在忍饥挨饿。An acute lack of nutriment bring hunger to the Iraqi people.

食品重大缺乏,伊拉克人民正在忍饥挨饿。An acute lack of nutriment brought hunger to the Iraqi human.

霉菌每次在该镇附近都遇到伊军的猛烈炮火。Every time they were met with heavy Iraqi fire near the town.