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那位先生在工作中束手束脚。The gentleman is overcautious in his work.

工作你尽管大胆去干,别缩手缩脚的。Be bold in doing your work and don't be overcautious.

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经他这么一说,大家都变得谨小慎微了。After listening to what he said, everyone became overcautious.

谁喝葡萄酒的人大多是那些缩手缩脚。Who drink the grape wine are mostly those overcautious people.

下一批时,祂过分小心而没有用足够的热度。For the next batch, He was overcautious and did not apply enough heat.

不要畏首畏尾,惧怕反动分子混进来。We should not be overcautious or too afraid of reactionaries sneaking in.

扶手和柱脚应四平八稳。Armrest and suspension column should lacking in initiative and overcautious.

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一提到我的食物保鲜原则,他就觉得我「大惊小怪」或「过度谨慎」。He thinks that I am "fussy" and "overcautious" when it comes to my food rules.

现今越来越多的企业在新车定价方面谨小慎微,战战兢兢。More and more enterprises are nowadays overcautious in the new car fixed price aspect, gingerly.

在规划你们的未来时,你们都很仔细却不会过于小心。When you have to plan together for the future, you are equally careful without being overcautious.

周二的特别会议在各国政府采取过于谨慎的做法以渡过危机收到批判后召开。Tuesday's extraordinary meeting comes after criticism governments took an overcautious approach to the crisis.

做生意的时候,我们应该谨慎,但你也会同意我的看法,即我们不应该过分小心。We should be prudent when doing business, but you will also agree with me that we should not get overcautious.

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四平八稳的家具在今年看来,已经“土得掉渣”。The furniture of lacking in initiative and overcautious looks this year, already " earth must drop broken bits ".

过于谨小慎微的监管者也会被承受着企业、劳工和其他利益团体压力的政客所骚扰。the overcautious regulator will be harassed by politicians pressured by business, labor, and other interest groups.

由此而导致的后果是,公共行政由一个具有宏图大志的英雄逐渐沦落为一个谨小慎微的工匠。The result of the fact is that public administration is changing from an ambitions hero to an overcautious craftsman.

当然了,财富不会给胆小怕事的人来的。只有你敢拼,敢搏,那么你才有成功的可能。Of course, not timid and overcautious wealth to come. Only you dare go all out, dare to fight, then you are likely to succeed.

这与在金融海啸中谨小慎微、拒绝所有机会的中资机构形成鲜明对比。This with in the financial Tsunami overcautious , refuses all opportunities the China capital organization to form the sharp contrast.

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在这个急功近利的世界,向内看被人认为是一种怯懦和消极的行为。In the world which is eager for qickness and instant benefits, looking entad is considered as a kind of timid and overcautious behavior.

如果稍有错误就对发言人进行批评,会让他们变得谨小慎微,失去沟通和桥梁的作用。If we blame the spokesman too much over a minor mistake, they will become overcautious and lose their function as a communication channel.

如此看来,举报反腐,无论是现实渠道还是网络途径,对举报人而言都成为了一件必须谨小慎微的事情。Look so, inform against anti-corruption, no matter be actual channel or network way, to informing against a person character became must overcautious thing.