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1992年重新发布这一模型的时候,作者对这些假设做了修改。In the 1992 reissue of the model, these assumptions were adjusted.

持续近两个小时,快板电影的最新补发的三个部分。Lasting nearly two hours, Allegro Film's latest reissue is in three sections.

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公司可以无期限的持有或重新发行或注销。The corporation can hold this stock indefinitely or can reissue or retire it.

居民身份证丢失的,应当申请补领。Anyone who loses his resident identity card shall apply for reissue of a card.

现代事件有时要求几年前出版的一本书补发。Modern events sometime demand the reissue of a book published several years ago.

我再为您补办一个新存折,您需要交10元手续费。I can reissue a new bankbook for you, but we must deduct ten yuan handling charges.

当然,这张火灾封面被保留了下来,作为2008年该张专辑再版的豪华版本封面。Of course, the fire cover was restored for the deluxe CD reissue of the album in 2008.

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这是一个由梅耶荷德世界各地的学生用的书主要补发。This is a major reissue of a book used by students of Vsevolod Meyerhold across the world.

补发的畅销书,获奖作家乔伊斯卡罗尔欧茨'的散文经典集合拳击。A reissue of bestselling, award-winning author Joyce Carol Oates' classic collection of essays on boxing.

机动车驾驶人可以委托代理人办理驾驶证的换证、补证业务。The motorized vehicle driver may entrust an agent to handle the change and reissue of his driving license.

这是LGS的补发密码通知信,如果您未曾使用过,请删除此封信件不予理会。This is a LGS password reissue letter, if you have never requested for new password, please delete this letter.

艺文护照由学生自行保管,若有遗失得申请补发,但申请补发者每本酌收工本费伍拾元。Students should take good care of their Arts Passport and may apply for reissue of the passport if they lose it.

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定价为雅顿A型欧塞尔补发没有提到,但不惜一切代价转售价值应该仍然很高。Pricing for the Arden A-Type AJ reissue was not mentioned, but whatever the cost resale value should remain high.

因为这并非是终极驳回,辉瑞仍然有劝服专利局再版布专利的机会。Because it's not a final rejection, Pfizer still has an opportunity to persuade the patent office to reissue the patent.

为避免误解,粮农组织、世卫组织和国际兽疫局特此重新发布曾于4月30日发布的联合声明。To avoid any misunderstanding FAO, WHO and OIE would like to reissue their joint statement originally issued on 30 April.

北京锦江北方物业管理有限公司第一分公司保留是否重新续发优惠卡的权利。Beijing Jingjiang North Property Management Ltd. Co First Subcompany reserves the right whether to reissue a new card or not.

原发证机构收到挂失报告后,经核实无不良后果的,予以重新补发。The original license issuing agency shall reissue a license upon verification of no harmful consequences after receiving the loss report.

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日本卫生官员表示,日本计划重新发布有关抗流感药达菲可能会引发危险行为副作用的警告。Japan's health ministry says it plans to reissue a warning of dangerous behavioral side effects linked to the anti-influenza drug Tamiflu.

虽然我出演的影片有的很成功,但我发现他们总是让我整天重复同样的事情,于是我就开始感觉有点枯燥了。And I made some fantastic films, but then I found myself being asked to reissue the same thing the whole time and I just find that a bit dull.

连接到一个出错的成员的应用会被转发到一个活跃成员,其中应用能够重新发送所有失败的事务。Applications that are connected to a failing member are rerouted to an active member where the application can reissue any failed transactions.