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第六十四条出质人和质权人应当以书面形式订立质押合同。A pledgor and a pledgee shall conclude a pledge contract in writing.

在适用纽约州法律的信用支持附件或其它质押文件中被称为“出质人”。Referred to as Pledgor in the NY law CSA and other Pledge documentation.

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质权登记申请应由质权人和出质人共同提出。A pledge registration application shall be jointly filed by the pledgor and the pledgee.

因此给质权人或者第三人造成损失的,由出质人承担民事责任。The pledgor shall bear civil liability for the consequent loss of pledgee or the third party.

在本协议存续期间,出质人向质权人承诺,出质人将。Pledgor hereby covenants to the Pledgee, that during the term of this Agreement, Pledgor shall.

未经质权人同意,出质投资者不得将已出质的股权转让或再质押。Without consent from the pledgee, the pledgor shall not transfer or re-pledge the pledged equities.

占有人收到出质通知后,仍接受出质人的指示处分出质财产的,该行为无效。The possessor's disposal instructed by the pledgor after receipt of such notice shall be regarded as invalid.

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除本质权之外,出质人未在股权上设置任何其他质押权利或其他担保权益。Except for the Pledge, Pledgor has not placed any security interest or other encumbrance on the Equity Interest.

出质人为个人的,查询人以出质人的身份证件号码进行查询。Where the pledgor is an individual, the enquirer shall enquire on the basis of the identity document number of the pledgor.

质权人不行使的,出质人可以请求人民法院拍卖、变卖质押财产。Where the pledgee fails to do so, the pledgor may request the people's court to have the pledged property auctioned or sold.

质权人和出质人可以直接向商标局申请,也可以委托商标代理机构代理。The pledgor and the pledgee may directly apply to the trademark bureau or may authorize a trademark agency to file an application.

应收账款出质后,不得转让,但经出质人与质权人协商同意的除外。The pledged accounts receivable may not be transferred, unless otherwise agreed upon by the pledgor and the pledgee through consultation.

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第二百一十九条债务人履行债务或者出质人提前清偿所担保的债权的,质权人应当返还质押财产。Article 219 Where the debtor repays the debts or the pledgor pays off in advance the debts he guaranteed, the pledgee shall return the pledged property.

出质人转让应收账款所得的价款,应当向质权人提前清偿债务或者提存。The proceeds obtained by the pledgor from the transfer of the accounts receivable shall be used in advance to pay the debts owed to the pledge or be deposited with a third party.

出质人转让基金份额、股权所得的价款,应当向质权人提前清偿债务或者提存。The proceeds the pledgor obtained from the transfer of the portions of funds or shares shall be used in advance to pay the debts owed to the pledgee or be deposited with a third party.

出质人请求质权人及时行使质权,因质权人怠于行使权利造成损害的,由质权人承担赔偿责任。Where the pledgor requests the pledgee to enforce his interest to the pledge in a timely manner, the pledgee slacks in doing so, thus causing losses, he shall be liable for compensation.

第二百一十一条质权人在债务履行期届满前,不得与出质人约定债务人不履行到期债务时质押财产归债权人所有。Article 211 Before the maturity of the debts, the pledgee shall not conclude an agreement with the pledgor that ownership of the pledged property go to the pledgee if the debtor defaults.