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然后就是人类基因组了。And then there is the human genome.

最终拯救整个基因组吗?Eventually a whole genome?” Hecht said.

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转移到基因组中的DNA称为转化DNA。DNA transferred into a genome is termed T-DNA.

因此之故,也才有基因组等同于生命蓝图的说法。Hence the notion of the genome as a blueprint.

Haseltine博士在2004年离开了人体工程科学公司。Dr Haseltine left Human Genome Sciences in 2004.

答案在于微小的线粒体基因组。The answer lies in the tiny mitochondrial genome.

你一定听说过的蚜虫基因组计划。Surely you've heard about the Aphid Genome Project.

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该分离毒基因组中无插入序列。There was no insertion in the isolated virus genome.

我们还分析了它在玉米基因组中的同源序列。The homology of it in maize genome was also analyzed.

这一结果是基于目前最大的孤独症基因组扫描而得出的。They are based on the largest-ever autism genome scan.

这是约四分之一的人类基因组的大小。This is about one-fourth the size of the human genome.

预祝第二届中国大连国际DNA和基因组活动周圆满成功!And I wish the 2nd DNA & Genome Day a complete success.

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人类的基因组包含30亿个DNA碱基对。The human genome contains three billion DNA base pairs.

选择如何在基因组留下指纹图谱?How does selection leave its fingerprints on the genome?

本文将提供以火蚁基因体定序计画所得之启发。I offer insight gained from the fire ant genome project.

这些碱基无法在NCBI的参考基因组中发现。These bases cannot be found in the NCBI reference genome.

这是这个团队解开的第二个远古人类染色体。This is the second ancient genome this team has unraveled.

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中医基本理论包括阴阳、五行和易经是可以来解译基因组的。Yin and Yang, Wu-Xing, and Yijing can decipher the genome.

人类基因组包含了数千这种LTR碎片。The human genome contains thousands of these LTR fragments.

据估算,人类基因组有二万个到二万五千个基因。The human genome has an estimated 20, 000 to 25, 000 genes.