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预定一米阳光,装进心房。Reserve one meter sunshine and put them in atrium.

入口是一个穿过四层楼高,直通屋顶的中庭。Entry is through a soaring four-storey-high atrium.

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其实、左心房的那个地方依旧还有沵的位置。Actually, the left atrium is still calls that place.

每侧上面的腔室称为心房。The upper chamber on each side is called the atrium.

左心房接受从肺部来的带氧血液。The left atrium receives oxygenated blood from lungs.

一个大型礼堂敞向另一边的中庭。A large auditorium opens off atrium on the other side.

术中取右心房心内膜活检做病理观察。Pathology of right atrium endocardium was also observed.

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起搏后TSN组维持原有的心房肌频率适应性。TSN group?s atrium was maintained after the pacing process.

所有的空间连接了中央中庭并向其打开。All the program volumes link and open to the central atrium.

右心房接受从大静脉来的缺氧血液。The right atrium receives deoxygenated blood from vena cava.

心动过速能由心房刺激诱发。Atypical AVNRT could be induced by stimulating high right atrium.

人们可以完全按照他们内心深处的意愿和需要来使用这个木庭空间。The users can use the atrium in a way it best serves their needs.

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洒满自然阳光的中庭连接着各个楼层。A natural light-flooded atrium connects every floor to each other.

那麽,天幕建筑对我们来说,当然需要,它避免我们要日晒雨淋。So the Atrium is, of course, a must to shield us from the sun and rain.

从中庭向外伸展出两个体量,其中有38间教室。Two arms leading outwards from the atrium are lined with 38 classrooms.

结论左心房增大与心房颤动有密切关系。Conclusion The left atrium enlargement is related to atrial fibrillation.

就厦门某酒店的超高大中庭防火设计中存在的超限问题进行了分析。Analyses the over-limit issues for the super-sized atrium in a restaurant.

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在裙房和客房部分,我都引入了中庭的概念。In the podium and Some rooms, I have introduced the concept of the atrium.

徒劳的感叹,渺茫的幻想,碾碎成了小刺扎进了心房。Vain laments, slim fantasy, crushed into small thorn headlong into the atrium.

中心楼敞向坡顶,形成通高的中庭。Toward the top of the slope the building opens up to form a full height atrium.