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课后进行练习。Practise after class.

我每周都练习。I practise every week.

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躬行己言。Practise what you preach.

你需要练习轻击。You need to practise putting.

一个人应该怎样修行禅定?How does one practise samadhi?

练习模式是否得到了增强?。Is the practise mode enhanced?

最好就是勤加练习。It's good to practise regularly.

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因为他们从来没练过点球。Because they never practise them.

我很想练习我的华语。I wanted to practise my Mandarin.

尽可能多地操练时态。Practise tenses as much as possible.

课后别忘了练习。Don't forget to practise after class.

他将用毒药谋害你。He will practise against you by poison.

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练习一下说“量化稳健”吧!Practise saying “quantitative firming”.

你为什么不躬行已言呢?Why don't you practise what you preach?

是一种练习高超技击技能的方法。It is a method to practise superb skill.

你应更多地练习讲英语。You must practise speaking English more.

有时我们课后练习英语。Sometimes we practise English after class.

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第十一,培养宗教信仰和精神支柱。Eleven, practise religion and spirituality.

我常常在音乐室练习唱歌。I often practise singing in the Music Room.

希望你屋企人同你一样就好/…If you want to be good, you got to practise.