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国际刑警组织协助掌握这些凶嫌的行动。Interpol helps track the movements of these unsavory characters.

我病了,每天都要喝这些难喝的水剂。I'm ill, and so have to drink these unsavory tea herbs every day.

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对许多人来说,魅力四射的韩国流行音乐有不光彩的一面并没有什么大惊小怪的。To many, it's no surprise that glamorous K-pop has an unsavory side.

年轻的汉为了挣钱糊口,替什赖克干过各种不体面的活。Young Solo earned his keep for Shrike doing a variety of unsavory jobs.

赌场是一个出亡所,臭名昭著的人物谁寻求粉碎他本身的糊口编制。The casino is a haven for unsavory characters who seek to corrupt him to their way of life.

现在雇主和房东都通过信用历史来挑选求职者与房客。Employers and landlords are now using credit checks to filter out candidates and unsavory tenants.

想想网友,不少企业和潜在雇主们都在令人厌烦的搜索你的信息。Concerned about peers, businesses and potential employers unearthing something unsavory in search results?

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自然,我才是那个出得起首付款、兼有良好信用的人,于是只好加入到这次令人不快的交易中来。I, of course, am the one with a down payment and good credit, so I had to become a part of this unsavory deal.

金价大涨带来的一个负面问题是与黄金相关的犯罪活动迅速增加。One of the unsavory sides of gold's price surge has been a matching surge in crimes associated with the metal.

还有几次官吏的任命,他都很有嫌疑,有一两次干得简直不象话。In the same way, he had been guilty of some very questionable, and one or two actually unsavory , appointments.

但即使如此,你也应该了解家庭财务状况,免得事到临头大吃一惊。But even then, you need to remain aware of what's going on with the finances so there are no unsavory surprises.

汤姆﹒克鲁斯放弃了好莱坞优雅的形象转而扮演反面角色。Tom Cruise has fallen out of Hollywood's good graces and joined the ranks of the industry's unsavory characters.

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Verizon表示短信内容的焦点是堕胎问题,应被视为“有争议的或者令人感觉不适的。”Verizon said the content, which focused on the issue of abortion, could be considered "controversial or unsavory."

洛克菲勒的儿子对拉德洛大屠杀负有责任,而且在他父亲的大多数令人反感的行动中一直是一个顺从的合作者。JDR's son had been responsible for the Ludlow massacre, and an obedient partner in his father's most unsavory actions.

当你尝试改变生活中不好的地方时,发现生活之美会让你的心暖洋洋。Seeing the good in your life will allow you to keep your heart fed while you work to change the more unsavory parts. Try it.

自己打造这款发型尤为困难,防止剪坏头发小心的动手吧。Creating the look can be a difficult task, especially when cutting your own hair. Proceed with care to prevent unsavory results.

自来水留至你家一路上可能带来一些讨厌的附加物,从喝起来很奇怪到带有老旧的水管中的污染物都有可能。From a funny taste to lead contamination from aging pipes, your tap water may have picked up some unsavory additions along the way.

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如果说历史给我们什么指引的话,那就是他们将要么生活找不到乐趣,要么通过令人讨厌的手段寻找妇女。If history is any guide, they will either find less savory things to occupy their time, or find women through equally unsavory means.

然而,高盛臭名昭著的交易决策不应该掩盖其在房屋市场上的堵住,因为它减轻了这场危机。However, its unsavory dealmaking should not obscure that in betting, correctly, against the housing market, it helped mitigate the crash.

从鸡尾酒的菜单到晚餐的特别推荐,曾经一度和罐子里难吃的凝胶状形象紧密联系在一起的蔓越橘已经彻底被改造了。From cocktail menus to dinner specials, what was once married to the unsavory image of gelatin in a can, the cranberry has been reinvented.