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我的雪茄在哪?。Wheres my cigar?

喜欢抽高级雪茄烟。Likes a good cigar.

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来一根雪茄烟怎么样?He fired up a cigar.

你想来支烟吗?D'you wanna buy a cigar?

是的,我抽过雪茄烟。Yes, I have smoked a cigar.

另一支手夹着一支雪茄烟。The other hand held a cigar.

你抽过雪茄烟吗?Have you ever smoked a cigar?

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不,我没有抽过雪茄烟。No, I haven't smoked a cigar.

我想就很接近了,但还不够。I think that's close,but no cigar.

我不喜欢雪茄,雪茄抽起来劲太大。I don't like cigar. It smokes hard.

市长用一根火柴点燃了一根雪茄。The mayor lit a cigar with a match.

他弹去雪茄烟烟灰。He flicked the ashes from his cigar.

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那人划着了一根火柴扑灭一根香烟。The man struck a match to light a cigar.

而另一只手则拿着一支雪茄和一根拐杖。The other hand holds a cane and a cigar.

乌烟瘴气和无知充斥着整个会谈。Cigar smoke and ignorance are in the air.

那人划了根火柴点燃雪茄。The man struck a match and lit his cigar.

需唔需帮你将d雪茄揾袋仔装起佢?。Do u want to put your cigar into this bag?

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饭后一枝雪茄是我唯一的嗜好。A cigar after dinner is my only indulge nce.

等等!别告诉我,我才看了前两章。I don't know, but please put out your cigar.

这雪茄令你对其他的烟失去兴趣。This kind of cigar spoils you for the others.