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科纳克里在几内亚的苏苏语中是“去海那边”的意思。Conakry in Guinea Susu language is "to the other side" means.

杨洁篪13日抵达科纳克里,对几内亚进行正式访问。Yang arrived in Conakry on February 13 for an official visit to Guinea.

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不同党派的支持者在首都科纳克里街头展开了争斗。Rival supporters fought running battles on the streets of the capital Conakry.

但是在科纳克里的VOA记者称没人打算阻止暴动的士兵。But a reporter for VOA in Conakry says no one tried to stop the mutinous soldiers.

在紧张局势的前期,士兵布满街头,许多Conakry被关闭。As in previous times of tension, soldiers fill the streets and much of Conakry is shut down.

因此,对Conakry来说圣诞节的奇迹的军事政变是危险之举,并一步一步走向恶化。So what at first seemed like a Christmas miracle for Conakry has taken a dangerous turn for the worse.

阿达玛母猪,10,分享她的两个人办公桌与三个涤小学在科纳克里学校的其他女孩。Adama Sow, 10, shares her two-person desk with three other girls at Dixin Elementary school in Conakry.

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星期五科纳克里似乎相当平静,士兵把守主要道路和其他战略性要塞。The capital Conakry appeared calm Friday, as soldiers guarded the main roads and other strategic points.

目前科纳克里已恢复平静,但军方对全城实行封锁,并部署大量兵力沿街巡逻。Conakry has now calm, but the military blockade of the city, and deployed a large number of troops patrolling the street.

控制努力仍在持续,特别重点为受影响最严重的两个城镇科纳克里和金迪亚的环境管理。Control efforts are ongoing with special emphasis on environmental management for the two most affected towns, Conakry and Kindia.

在几内亚,首都科纳克里有6,000人受灾,金迪亚市有10,000人受灾,其中此地有三条河流决堤。In Guinea, 6, 000 people are affected by flooding in the capital Conakry and 10, 000 people in the city of Kindia, where three rivers have overflowed their banks.

根据当地人权组织报告,在周一的镇压中,士兵在首都科纳克里街头扒光妇女并对他们进行了性侵犯。Soldiers also stripped women and sexually assaulted them in the streets of the capital Conakry during the crackdown on Monday, according to local human rights groups.

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非洲联盟和平与安全委员会星期二举行紧急会议,决定几内亚比绍总统维埃拉遭暗杀是否构成军事政变。军事政变意味着自动中止非洲成员国的资格。Two other west African nations, Mauritania and Guinea Conakry have recently been expelled from the continental body after army officers took power through extra-constitutional means.