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有整圈的颈毛和毛茸茸的尾部。A circle of neck ruff and furry tail.

打方块牌,名家就可以出王牌压。A diamond lead allows a ruff in dummy.

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他在打第二墩牌时用王牌压一个方块,这很聪明。He'S clever to ruff a club at trick two.

他在打第一墩时用王牌压黑桃,这很聪明。He's smart to ruff a spade AT trick one.

在都铎王朝时期,男人穿紧身上衣和紧身短裤,脖子上戴宽而硬的轮状皱领。In the times of the Tudors, a man dressed in doublet and hose and wore a ruff.

拉夫是个性情温和的人,大半生都坐在轮椅上。Ruff was a mild-mannered man who had been wheelchair-bound for most of his life.

差点没头的尼克朝哈利飘了过来,脑袋依旧在皱领上摇摇晃晃。Nearly Headless Nick was gliding toward Harry, his head wobbling as usual upon his ruff.

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后腿后面的毛发形成“裙裤”,毛发长度与脖圈一样。The coat on the rear of the thighs forms culottes , which should be as long as the ruff.

雌性更精致一些,且脖圈的被毛也比雄性少一些,但比例是相同的。More refined with less coat or ruff in females than in males, but still in the same ratio.

RUFF必将在中国树立一种全新的生活方式文化,其影响力远远超过西方任何一种现象。RUFF will create a new lifestyle culture in China that will surpass anything seen in the West.

来自美国亚利桑那州立大学的科学家史蒂夫·拉夫参加了该项研究。Research scientist Steve Ruff from Arizona State University in the US, took part in the study.

它常常发生在庄家既需要清光将牌又需要将吃边花的牌局中。It often happens that declarer lacks the wherewithal both to draw trumps and to ruff out the side suit.

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这些花出现在冬天首次解冻,并且在每个奶油花下面都有美丽的环状领绿叶。These seem to appear at winter's first thaw, and have a ruff of dainty green leaves beneath each buttercup flower.

公狗颈部与肩部的披毛更为丰厚,像是狮子鬃毛般形成冠状。The coat is more profuse about the neck and shoulders where it forms a ruff or mane which is more pronounced in males.

通过环形围裙字符串是一个很大的白色亚麻手帕边的花边,花边袖口和相匹配的拉夫。Looped through the apron string is a large white linen handkerchief edged with lace that matches the lace of the cuffs and ruff.

双明手,石淼这个庄须得兑现HA,DA过手,将吃一张草花,然后打方块。这个牙医妙招可以避免将牌升级。Double-dummy, declarer had to cash HA, cross to DA, ruff a club and then run the diamonds. This Dentist's Coup avoids the trump promotion.

他身穿白色花边吃拟订和黄金修剪蓝色外衣的一种磨损只能由成功和富裕,男子的年龄。He is dressed in elaborate white lace ruff and a gold-trimmed blue tunic of a kind worn only by the wealthy and successful men of the age.

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他身穿精心制作的白色花边的环状领和在他那个年代只有富有和成功的男人们才可能穿着的黄金贴边蓝色紧身上衣。He is dressed in elaborate white lace ruff and a gold-trimmed blue doublet of a kind worn only by the wealthy and successful men of his age.

西家研究了牌张分布并且说,我看到只有黑桃飞牌,并且我不会用K盖你的牌,所以你不能将吃1张红桃。West studied the layout and said, The only finesse I see is the spade finesse and I would not cover with the king so you can't ruff a heart.

我早已习惯用微笑来掩住内心的雨意却要把那些砸入胸膛的轰然巨呜藏在心底。I have already got used to it with a smile to cover inner rainy but to those who break into his chest was hidden at the bottom of the giant ruff.