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新的幼崽必须进一步近亲繁殖。New cubs must be inbred further.

他来自一个古老的近亲通婚的家族。He came from an old inbred family.

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新教徒之间的裙带关系是与生俱来的。The Protestant Establishment was inbred.

那人虽穷,却表现出天生的谦恭有礼。The man, though poor, showed an inbred courtesy.

我们内在地需要一定的价值观,具体的内容倒不那么重要。The need for values is inbred. Their content is not.

这些狗的长鼻子是同系交配的特点。The long nose on these dogs is an, inbred character'ristic.

建立了一种新的快速培育近交系动物的方法。It established a new method of quickly cultivation inbred rats.

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试验结果表明多数自交系为自交不亲和。Results showed that most of the inbred lines were self-incompatible.

整个族群都是同系繁殖,以至于根本不存在基因差异。The whole population is so inbred that no genetic differences remain.

这将有助于减少近交系畸形或弱虾的发生。This helps reduce the occurance of inbred deformities or weak shrimp.

南斯拉夫自交系具有较高的间接利用价值。Yugoslavia inbred lines had higher indirect utilization value in breeding.

亨利介绍说,这些猫大多是近亲繁殖,是病猫,不适合领养。Most of the cats were inbred and sick and were unfit for adoption, said Henry.

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应用三交种育种技术培育出网纹甜瓜新品种“瑞龙”。The new variety of netted melon Ruilong is bred by a hybrid and an inbred line.

目的建立快速、灵敏、简便的H-2基因检测方法。Objective To establish a method for monitoring H-2 gene in inbred strains of mice.

歌曲的最后,镜头拉近,放大了男孩因为近亲结婚所导致的病态的身体。At the end of the song the camera zooms in to reveal the boy's diseased, inbred features.

曲终,镜头推向男孩,揭示男孩因近亲交配,身体不健全的事实。At the end of the song, the camera zooms in to reveal the boy's diseased, inbred features.

曲终,镜头推向男孩,揭示男孩因近亲交配身体不健全的事实。At the end of the song, the camera zooms in to reveal the boy’s diseased, inbred features.

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结论可以认为,IRM-2小鼠是遗传上高度纯合的近交系小鼠。Conclusion The IRM-2 inbred strain mouse is high homogenous in the genetic characterishcs.

他正当年壮,久经沙场,但是却带有他的家族那种年深日久、代代相传的傲慢习气。He was mature in years and tried in wars, but had the old, inbred arrogance of his family.

他们首先让兄弟姐妹之间进行交配,经过几代后创造出近亲繁殖的甲虫。They first created inbred beetles by mating sisters with brothers for several generations.