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宪政是专制政体的对立物。The constitutionalism is the opposite of the autocracy.

北约如何应对一个恢复专制的俄罗斯呢?And how should NATO deal with a Russia reverting to autocracy?

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在有些地方,校长负责制成了“家长制”。In some places, the headmaster -in -charge system has become autocracy.

湘军的自身否定也预示了封建专制主义制度必然要灭亡的历史命运。The self-negation of Xiang Army indicates that the feudal autocracy is doomed.

除了古怪之外,技术官僚和专制早就已经同床异梦。Crankishness aside, technocracy and autocracy have long been natural bedfellows.

根据他的意见,地方自治让政治权力多元化,而且防止专制与军阀统治。Zhang insisted local autonomy is the only way to protect autocracy or rule by warlord.

此后,儒学便有了与君主专制同生息、共存亡的命运。Hence, Confucianism had the fate surviving and dying together with sovereign autocracy.

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“串联”是对这种保守的专治传统的前所未有的突破。The tandem was an unprecedented break with this historical tradition of conservative autocracy.

1911年辛亥革命推翻统治中国几千年的君主专制制度以来,中国的发展历程大致可以分为3个阶段。The 1911 Revolution overthrew the feudal autocracy which had ruled China for several thousand years.

法治和民主总是联为一体的,就如专制与人治不可分割一样。Government by law is always integrated with democracy as government by the indi- vidual is with autocracy.

避讳制度在秦汉时期有了新的发展,避讳成为皇权专制的工具。It had a new development in Qin and Han Dynasties, and became the instrument of autocracy of imperial power.

中国实现了从几千年的封建专制政治向人民民主政治的伟大跨越。It marked China's realization of a great leap from centuries-old feudalistic autocracy to people's democracy.

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无罪推定原则是专制擅断走向民主公正、愚昧落后走向科学进步一个标志。The rule symbolizes that autocracy goes to democracy and fairness and ignorance goes to science and progress.

“八王之乱”与禁卫军权的关系,提供了认识中国古代君主专制政治和禁卫军权关系的一个典型个案。This is a typical case study of the relationship between monarch's autocracy and the power of the imperial guards.

谁也明白,统制、镇压,是和“唤起民众”的原则相违背的。Everybody knows that autocracy and suppression run counter to the principle of "arousing the masses of the people".

原因是,如果公开地反对新闻自由,必定成了专制和不开明的代名词。Because if you publicly denied freedom of press or speech, you would be representative of autocracy and illiberalism.

这在会操弄民意的专制社会来说,不大可能。This isn't likely to be the case in an autocracy which has exibited substantial skill in manipulating public opinion.

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结果至今,格鲁吉亚仍然摇摆于俄罗斯的集权制与欧洲的自由主义之间的真空地带。As a result, Georgia may now live precariously in the nether region between Russian autocracy and European liberalism.

中国辨称通过经济的成功可以证明21世纪的专制是进步的模式。Chinese arguments amount to a boast that their model of 21st-century autocracy is proved superior by economic success.

中国政府对人权的长期忽视与践踏,并不能掩饰它是一个较为开放和稳定的专制政府。China's autocratic government, though a frequent and severe human rights abuser, is still relatively open and stable for an autocracy.