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难消化的食物使他的胃不舒服。The heavy food unsettled his stomach.

真菌类分类仍然是未定形的。Fungal classification is still unsettled.

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我以为那是由于旧伤未愈。I think it's due to unsettled old scores.

对格林的角色感到费解的人应该看得更深些。Anyone unsettled by reen's role should look deeper.

组下我们有,消极,焦虑,不安Under the L group we've got negative, anxious, unsettled.

我今晚有点心神不定,这场争斗让我不安。I'm a bit unsettled tonight. This war thing's upsetting me.

这可能是由于你的过去充满了不确定的苦痛及愤怒。It could be your past is consumed with unsettled pain and anger.

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尽管我方曾两次催款,上述账目仍未结清。In spite of 2 reminders, the above account still remains unsettled.

为避免感情的不稳定,做你须要做的一切决断。Make any decisions you have to in order to avoid feeling unsettled.

带着他们的发财梦,来到这荒蛮的土地上。With their dreams of finding fortunes, In this wild unsettled land.

我们会用些形容词,像是消极的,焦虑的,怀疑的We have these adjectives up here, "Negative," "Anxious," "Unsettled."

大都会是马克思所描述的未安定世界的中心。The metropolis is the center of this unsettled world that Marx describes.

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到1870年,只有大平原上的一部分地区可以真正称得上“无人定居”了。By 1870 only portions of the Great Plains could truly be called unsettled.

我方第40号借方通知仍未得到偿付,请汇款来结帐。Our debit note no. 40 is still unsettled. please send remittance to cover it.

他们的愤怒与我的相比简直不值一提,伊利丹。我们之间终于要决一胜负了。Their fury pales before mine, Illidan. We have some unsettled business between us.

尽管当时在科学上还拿不出确凿有力的真凭实据,但这个脚注却开始令人不安起来。A troubling footnote, to be sure, but the science was relatively new and unsettled.

孩子在这种被父母推来推去的环境中感到动荡不安。Children grow up feeling unsettled as they are moved back and forth between parents.

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他这样心神不定,哪里还顾得上品尝这个饼的滋味。He was altogether too unsettled in his mind over it, to appreciate the pie comfortably.

弗格森爵士承认伤兵满营让球队举步维艰。Sir Alex Ferguson admits a glut of injuries has unsettled Manchester United this season.

我国古代蒸馏酒的起源,众说纷云,莫衷一是。The origin of distillate liquor in ancient China is still an unsettled enigma for experts.