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其他书名传教士汉学硏究。The study of missionary sinology.

戴仁是法国当代汉学界的主将。Dai is a Contemporary French sinology commanding general.

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英国似乎被排除在欧洲汉学圈之外。Britain seemed excluded from this European Sinology circle.

在他的开创下,苏联汉学研究成绩一度睥睨西欧。Under his initiative, Soviet Sinology swept the West for a time.

苏联汉学家瓦?米?阿列克谢耶夫是苏联汉学的奠基人。The Soviet sinologist V. M. Alekseyev is a founder of Soviet sinology.

蒙文通先生是中国二十世纪卓尔不群的国学大师。Mr. Meng Wentong is an unmatched master of Sinology in 20th Century China.

巴若教授为英国汉学溯往,所得的结果令人震惊。Professor Barrett's overview of British sinology has surprised many people.

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今天,国学这支奇葩正在校园绽放奇光异彩。Today, the sinology flower is blooming in Yuancheng Foreign Language School.

礼堂里站满了人,大家都在痛悼这位国学大师。The auditorium is full of people who have come to mourn this master of sinology.

第四章,振兴大学国学教育的主要对策。The fourth, main countermeasures vitalizing sinology education of the university.

这其中,绝非是所谓的国学热这么简单可以解释的。In which, it's not as easy as the so called "popularity of Sinology" can explain it.

库尔本使我们看到了不治汉学的欧美学者的倾向。Chur This enables us to see where he died the tendency of Western scholars of Sinology.

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清代中期,汉学发展如日中天,江藩是乾嘉时期著名汉学家。During the middle of Qing dynasty, the Qian-Jia Sinology is at the height of it's phylogny.

第三章,振兴大学国学教育的必要性与可能性。The third, the necessity and possibility of vitalizing sinology education of the university.

东方研究所列宁格勒分所以研究古典汉学为主。The Leningrad branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies mainly focuses on classic Sinology.

最后,是关于韩国中国研究的立足空间何在,如何贡献于韩国本土。Finally, this paper touches on the positioning of sinology in Korea and how it benefits Korea.

它为汉语研究及西方汉学研究的学生们开启了新的研究方向。It has initiated new lines of discussion for students of Chinese studies and Western sinology.

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这位老教授因其国学方面的造诣在文学界享有很高的声誉。The old professor enjoys a high reputation in literary circles for his attainments in sinology.

汉学在意大利流播的阶段性研究以及中西文化的交汇碰撞。The Periodic Development of Sinology in Italy and Cultural Exchanges between China and the West.

主要表现在他先后两次关于中学古文教学的公开演讲及为清华学生开列的最低国学书目中。This was showed by his two lectures and list of sinology books for students of Tsinghua University.