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但丁的坟墓。Dante’s grave.

起初,我在脑海中掘开了一个坟墓。Mentally I dug a grave.

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那“小姑娘”只是一座坟。The "lass" was a grave.

这是一个严重错误。This is a grave mistake.

前进,走向宿命的坟冢。Ever onward to the grave.

她指向那墓穴。She pointed at the grave.

她的坟正象她的床一样。Her grave resembled her bed.

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河流是真正的坟墓。The river is the true grave.

出殡的行列行向坟墓。Funeral marches to the grave.

她的目光盯在了那墓碑上。Her gaze stayed on the grave.

他的墓是用花岗石造的。His grave is made of granite.

人能从坟墓中死而复生吗?Can a man rise from the grave?

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但不要让大海成为我的坟园But let not the sea be my grave

在这,我爱人的坟头上。Here upon my true love's grave.

这是一个严重的错误。That is a grave miscalculation.

曾经掠夺过我们共同的坟墓。Have despoiled our common grave.

哦是谁坐在墓边顷泣。Oh who sits weeping on my grave.

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坟茔中的死鬼,脸色铁青。Death grew pale within the grave.

坟墓很快被填好。The grave was quickly covered in.

这椿事很严重,不能草率从事。The matter is too grave for haste.