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他拍了拍他的剑柄。He patted his sword hilt.

他完全卷进了政治。He was involver in politics to the hilt.

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巴纳比玩这个游戏乔伊斯的刀柄。Barnaby Joyce played this game to the hilt.

霍斯汀·弗雷的长剑到剑柄为止都几乎染满了鲜血。Hosteen Frey's sword was red almost to the hilt.

你们考虑过把破损的剑柄改成拾取绑定吗?。Q. Have you considered making the Battered Hilt BoP?

柄再长点就象欧洲的??枷啦。It likes European Lianjia if the hilt is a bit longer.

你们考虑过把破损的剑柄改成拾取绑定吗?。Q. Have you considered msimilarg the Battered Hilt BoP?

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她闪电般地将刀刺入狼的胸口,刀没至柄。Her knife FLASHES down, buried to the hilt in its chest.

这剑柄怎会流落到铁匠铺外如此遥远的地方。How the hilt of a sword wandered so far from the smithy.

一把短刀齐柄直插在丽达的左胸上。A knife was plunged up to the hilt in Rita's left breast.

你看,我仅有一把断柄剑和这个愚蠢的魔术袋。R Look , I got a broken hilt and the stupid Bag of Tricks.

这把部分镀金的剑柄可能是大海盗“黑胡子”佩剑的剑柄么?Could this partly gilded hilt have held Blackbeard's sword?

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大都市是非常矮胖的体形,看起来像披甲的刀把。Metroplex is very stocky looking and looks armored to the hilt.

她摸了摸剑柄,他送给她的那把剑。She touched the hilt of her sword, the sword that he had given her.

他们的士兵训练有素但仍不顺从。Their soldiers are disciplined to the hilt but are also insubordinate.

木柄上点核桃油,能保证木头不开裂,同时还能增加刀剑的厚重感。Add some walnut oil on wood hilt to ensure it won't crack and is heavier.

“雪诺,有比这个更不吉利的名字吗?”史坦尼斯碰著他的剑柄“你以为你是谁?”" Stannis touched his sword hilt. "Just who do you imagine that you are?"

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在其中一个版本中,装有马达的剑柄旋转一根被反光材料包裹的剑刃。One version had a motorized hilt that spun a blade covered in reflective material.

柄尾微向下弯,也可能是宋刀。宋长柄刀有此形制。The end of hilt is retrorse , maybe a Song Dao. Song long-hilt Dao has such style.

从他一边的肩部那卡德加可以看见一把巨剑的剑柄,前端的横挡上镶有宝石。Over one shoulder Khadgar could see the hilt of a huge sword, the crosspiece huge and jeweled.