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请看动画教程!See animated tutorial!

创建动画GIF文件。Create animated GIF files.

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他的身体是运作的。Righty's body is animated.

歌曲使舞蹈生色。The song animated the dance.

微风吹动了旗帜。The breeze animated the flags.

她的出席使聚会更有生气。Her presence animated the party.

这是一个中国的动画秀。This is a Chinese animated show.

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所以肉体不再具有生命力So the body is no longer animated.

他们被宗教热情所驱使。They were animated by religious zeal.

MD2模型是逐帧的动画类型。MD2 models are frame-by-frame animated.

他在新希望的激励之下,又从头做起。Animated by fresh hope, he started again.

他在新希望的激励之下,又从头做起。Animated by fresh hops , he started again.

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在这个场景中,只有相机的动画。In this scene, o­nly the camera was animated.

还有什么其他的动画短片你工作过?What other animated shorts have you worked on?

动画片今夏看来也将势如破竹。Animated films also look to be big this summer.

对于艺术家,战争的视觉冲击是活生生的。For artist, seeing impact of the war is animated.

得了吧,妈妈,要是考柏的诗都打动不了他,那他还配读什么!Nay, Mama, if he is not to be animated by Cowper!

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我惊喜地望着他那副眉飞色舞的神情。I gazed in happy surprise at his animated expression.

飞船使用虚拟动画做出一个曲线运动。The boats are animated on a path curve using a dummy.

产生了优美的流动和生气蓬勃的顺序之成果…The result is a gracefully flowing, animated sequence.