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如何才能避免失望呢?How do you avoid disappointment?

这是他们失望的第一点。That's disappointment number one.

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我早就是一个令人沮丧得人了。I've always been a disappointment.

她从失望中振作起来。She rebounded from disappointment.

我再也不沮丧和忧郁了。Adieu to disappointment and spleen.

那孩子大声哭喊。The child wept with disappointment.

刘玉英失望地叹一口气。She heaved a sigh of disappointment.

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请尽早登记,以免向隅。Register early to avoid disappointment.

从失望当中,神教导了我什么功课?What has God taught me from disappointment?

没必要再继续吧这种失望拖下去了。It is no need to prolong the disappointment.

失望的经历就是这样。It's simply an experience of disappointment.

心中对太子失望透顶。Heart was a massive disappointment to prince.

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她从心底发出一声无可奈何的喟叹。She heaved a helpless sigh of disappointment.

这封信在喀什葛尔引起了不满。This letter caused disappointment in Kashgar.

他脸上掠过失望的神情。A look of disappointment passed over his face.

她是对的,但汤却令人失望。But the soup is a disappointment – a "bit gluey".

非美国人也一定要做好失望的准备。Non-Americans must also brace for disappointment.

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令我失望的是,银行居然拒付并退回那张支票。To my disappointment the bank bounced the cheque.

你是如何处理你生命中的沮丧呢?How have you dealt with disappointment in your life?

到了夜里,小男孩失望得睡不着觉。The night, the boy couldn't sleep for disappointment.