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然而,慷慨激昂的歌声也获得通过。However, the impassioned singing did get through.

听,那或激昂或低沉的读书声!Listen, the impassioned or deep-throated reading sounds!

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而碧血黄沙,万众屏息的斗牛场面在音乐里又向我们迎面扑来。And the impassioned corrida scene come from the music to us.

市长王鸿举在招待会上发表了热情洋溢的致辞。Mayor Wang Hongju delivered impassioned address on the reception.

他在熄灯之前,又把苔丝那封感情热烈的信重新读了一遍。Before putting out his light he re-read Tess's impassioned letter.

这个时候,我的琴嵌入激荡的灵魂,无声泪流。At present, impassioned souls embedded in my harp, weep in silence.

其他被告带着充满激情的感叹支持他们的做法。The other defendants backed them up with impassioned interjections.

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奥巴马不负众望,他亲自撰写演讲稿,并发表了慷慨激昂的演说。Obama delivered the speech he wrote and published an impassioned speech.

一位同学对喝酒的好处做出了一次慷慨激昂的讲话。A classmate gave an impassioned speech on the benefits of drinking liquor.

武人执之如握锤戟,划空击案,慷慨激昂。Taketo enforcement of such grip hammer Ji, zoned air-strike case, impassioned.

一番慷慨激昂的销售收不到效果后,他问他们从哪里来。After an impassioned sales talk yielded no results, he asked where they were from.

我热烈地呼吁民主党人要对共和党人的攻击性广告发动回击。I gave an impassioned plea for the Democrats to fight back in the face of Republican attack ads.

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一位女性鼓动者站在讲台上,向周围的男人们充满激情的提出呼吁。A woman agitator stands upon a platform, making an impassioned plea to a surrounding group in men.

在50分钟的讲话中,布拉戈耶维奇脸上交替出现了藐视一切、激情澎湃以及一度深感懊悔的表情。Mr. Blagojevich was by turns defiant, impassioned and, briefly, contrite during his 50-minute address.

和当时许多慷慨激昂、充满战斗力量的抗战诗歌相比,它是属于另类的沉郁风格的诗。Compared with many impassioned and forceful anti-Japanese poems, it belongs to a different style—gloominess.

在爆炸般的掌声中,覃争鸣讲师结束了他精彩的讲演,讲座也进入了尾声。Dr Tan finished his splendid prelection in impassioned applause and our cathedra also came into the epilogue.

这个观点周日在新加坡得到全球著名舆论领袖的热烈赞同。This idea got an impassioned endorsement from an eminent group of global opinion leaders in Singapore on Sunday.

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其演讲激情、有力,她留下的女权主义和种族平等的遗产至今流传。Truth was a powerful and impassioned speaker whose legacy of feminism and racial equality still resonates today.

姚先生听着来自泰国北部居民们激动的要求,而他们希望停止湄公河上游的建筑行为。Mr. Yao listened to impassioned pleas by residents of northern Thailand to stop further construction on the river.

他对那些将Facebook推向人类进化最前沿的麦克卢恩理论的激情演讲相当感冒。He’s prone to impassioned McLuhanesque speeches that put Facebook pretty close to the forefront of human evolution.