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硬件加速。Hardware acceleration.

现在我就想得到加速度I want the acceleration now.

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地球有加速度The Earth has an acceleration.

加速血液凝固。Acceleration blood coagulation.

加速神经再生。Acceleration of nerve regeneration.

它是一台加速性良好的车子。It is a car with good acceleration.

我们称之为“向心加速度We call it "centripetal acceleration."

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这也就是瞬时加速度。That is the instantaneous acceleration.

随着它的旋转,就产生了加速度。And, as it rotates, it uses acceleration.

GPU加速和硬件合成GPU acceleration and hardware compositing

就加速度而言这意味着什么呢?What does that mean for the acceleration?

那平均加速度到底是多少呢?So what, now, is the average acceleration?

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加速度由合力决定The acceleration is controlled by the sum.

加速和车轮力安全限制Acceleration and wheel force safety limits.

牛顿告诉我们,力能产生加速度Newton tells you forces cause acceleration.

加速度是本课程的重点。All-important in our course is acceleration.

那么,比值就等于加速度Then, that ratio will give you acceleration.

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这就是向心加速度This is called the centripetal acceleration.

这节课主要讨论速度和加速度。We will discuss velocities and acceleration.

硬件加速对Flash性能至关重要Hardware Acceleration Key to Flash Performance