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取整数是一埃。Round numbers, this is one angstrom.

每次到站的时候埃斯顿先生都会把她叫醒。Angstrom. He always woke her up before her stop.

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我喜欢单位,埃,它等于10的负10次方米。I like the angstrom. It is 10 to the minus 10 meters.

它取名于瑞典物理学家埃格斯特朗。It was named after the Swedish physicist Anders Angstrom.

这样可以计算出,一埃等于10的负10次方米。So that works out, an angstrom is 10 to the minus 10 meters.

原子内部间距,差不多也是一埃。Interatomic spacing is also on the order of about an angstrom.

我们知道,它的尺寸大概是一埃,对吗?We know that this dimension is roughly one angstrom unit, right?

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我们知道,它的尺寸大概是一埃,对吗?We know that this dimension is roughly one angstrom unit, right?

但概率主要,分布在一个埃范围内。But it turns out the probability is only significant within one angstrom.

结果表明,这种抛光工艺能获得原子级的超光滑表面。Results show that this process can reach surface roughness with angstrom dimension.

因此在183年这些就存在了,让我们把阿姆斯特朗,写到黑板上来,鉴于他做的这个工作。And so they lay. 1853. Let's get Angstrom up on the board here since he did the work.

我喜,埃,因为原子大小的东西,用埃来度量更方便。I like the angstrom because atomic dimensions are conveniently measured by angstroms.

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当半导体结点技术发展到小于90纳米时,栅氧化层厚度将减薄至12到15埃。At the sub 90nm technology node, the gate oxide thickness is expected to be 12-15 Angstrom.

无论Angstrom项目是采用电气连接还是光连接都有待观察。Whether the Angstrom project settles on electrical or optical connections remains to be seen.

而其他Angstrom研究人员正致力于改善核心间的电气连接。Other Angstrom researchers, however, are working on improving electrical connections between cores.

在Angstrom项目之外,还有许多MIT人员研究多核架构。Not all the MIT faculty researching multicore architectures are affiliated with the Angstrom project, however.

每个小体积有1埃的3次方个数量级,对于原子来说,如果对于分子则要大一点。The little volume elements are going to be on the order of an angstrom cubed if it's an atom, a little bit bigger if it's a molecule.

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嘿!我想知道我是否可以想出,发生在氢原子内的,一系列的跃迁,正好符合,阿姆斯特朗在1853年测得的东西。Gee, I wonder if I could come up with a set of transitions occurring inside atomic hydrogen Just right match that what Angstrom measured back in 1853.

我算完它,并说假如我想很草率,并且我想说如果x的增量,即位置的不确定度,相当于一埃。And so I went through the math on this and said suppose I wanted to be really sloppy and I wanted to say if the delta X, the uncertainty in position is on the order of one angstrom.

他们取了个晶体,一个具有规则原子平面的,镍晶体,这些面间距差不多也是一埃或者更少,它们放射出X射线。They took a crystal, this is a single crystal of nickel that has regular planes of atoms, and those planes are spaced on the order of an angstrom or less apart, and they irradiated this with x-rays.