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卢修斯成了石匠的学徒。Lucius got apprenticed to a stonemason.

“当然是的,主人,”卢修斯?"Of course, my Lord, " said Lucius Malfoy.

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毕竟,她可能知道卢修斯已经结婚了。After all, she probably knew Lucius was married.

然后他就要求采取最坏的行动,卢修斯那个老家伙。And then he asked for the worst, did old Lucius.

卢修斯说的是凤凰社吗?Was Lucius talking about the Order of the Phoenix?

一个妻子,两个孩子,一男一女,就叫。C-A wife, 2 kids, a boy and a girl. Lucius and Ariel.

我看得见世界,路希斯·亨特,只是跟你看世界的体例纷歧样。I see the world, Lucius Hunt, just not as you see it.

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“我看,很像是蜇人咒。”卢修斯说。"Looks more like a Stinging Jinx to me, " said Lucius.

她是个小偷,从卢修斯·马尔福那里偷走了一样东西。She was a thief, who took something from Lucius Malfoy.

我今晚要做的就是勇往直前卢修斯出发吧!I'm all about getting to the front tonight, Lucius. Let's go!

我是卢修斯·马尔福,我们终于见面了。Lucius Malfoy. We meet at last. Forgive me, your scar is ledgend.

她饥渴的盯着卢修斯,用她绿色的双眼吞噬着他。She stared at Lucius hungrily, devouring him with her green eyes.

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哈利从未遇见过穆尔塞伯,但是他实在太了解卢修斯·马尔福。Harry's never met Mulciber, but he knows Lucius Malfoy all too well.

“我看你是对卢修斯·马尔福兜儿里东西更感兴趣吧!”"I think you were more interested in the object Lucius Malfoy kept on him!

卢修斯·马尔福和西弗勒斯·斯内普坐在前排一张靠近舞台的桌子旁。Lucius Malfoy and Severus Snape sat at one of the front tables near the stage.

一个熟悉得可怕的懒洋洋的声音钻入了哈利的耳朵,是卢修斯·马尔福。The dreadfully familiar, drawling voice of Lucius Malfoy fell on Harry's ears.

他总是倾向于像卢修斯马尔福这样的巫师,而看不起像韦斯莱这样的人。As a result, he favors people like Lucius Malfoy and looks down on people like the Weasleys.

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哈利也把自己的黑袜子放到汤姆的日记里,诱骗卢修斯•马尔福解除了多比的奴隶身份。Harry tricked Lucius Malfoy into freeing Dobby by placing his own black sock into the diary of Tom Riddle.

卢修斯寄给德拉科的剪报能有效地使波特和韦斯莱们感到尴尬和恼怒。Lucius sends Draco press clippings which could prove useful in embarrassing or harassing Potter or the Weasleys.

卢修斯愣住了,食指悬在他的黑魔标记的上方。贝拉特里克斯大步走出了哈利有限的视线范围。Lucius froze, his index finger hovering over his own Mark. Bellatrix strode out of Harry's limited line of vision.