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突破列宁格勒的封锁。Break-through in the Leningrad blockade.

在列宁格勒街道上运行的公交汽车。Another bus going along a street in Leningrad.

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在北方,德国人包抄了列宁格勒。In the north, the Germans closed in on Leningrad.

1952年,他出生于列宁格勒,父亲是一个工厂的领头。He is born in Leningrad to a factory foreman in 1952.

少先队的女孩们在列宁格勒的某处游行。Pioneer girls are marching somewhere in Leningrad too.

1970年,普京进入列宁格勒州立大学法律系。He entered Leningrad State University's law department in 1970.

这一猛犸遗骸现已修复陈列在列宁格勒古生物博物馆。HAS now been restored in the Palaeontological Museum in Leningrad.

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欧洲西北苏联内的城市,在列宁格勒的东南偏南。A city of northwest European U. S. S. R. south-southeast of Leningrad.

十年之后,这个都会的名字又改了,这一次叫做列宁格勒。Ten years later, the city's name changed again, this time to Leningrad.

列宁格勒秣市场上出售的小馅饼,就是以碎人肉作馅。Patties made from minced human flesh were on sale at the Leningrad Haymarket.

列宁格勒那些英勇无畏的幸存者看着入侵者在两个星期内全部撤离。Within two weeks, the heroic survivors of Leningrad saw their invaders depart.

尽管忍受着极大困苦,列宁格勒的人民绝不投降。Despite great suffering, however, the people of Leningrad refused to surrender.

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护士和六个月的婴儿在列宁格勒的国家儿科医学研究所里。Nurse with a six month old baby at State Pediatric Medical Institute in Leningrad.

1949年,莫斯科列宁格勒大街,迪那摩足球场的车流。Leningrad prospect near the "Dynamo" stadium before a football match, 1949, Ivan Shagin.

他们选择了迪米特里·肖斯塔科维奇的列宁格勒交响曲中的片断做为结束曲。The piece of music they choose for the finale is Dimitri Shostakovich's Leningrad Symphony.

袭击定在1941年8月11日,将在靠近列宁格勒的普施克诺出发。The raid was set for August 11, 1941, and was to be launched from Pushkino, near Leningrad.

我们这一次的旅程来到位于列宁格勒的一个工厂。This time we are taking a trip to one of the factories which is located in Leningrad region.

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东方研究所列宁格勒分所以研究古典汉学为主。The Leningrad branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies mainly focuses on classic Sinology.

德军沿列宁格勒、莫斯科和基辅三个方向大举进攻。German army along the Leningrad , Moscow and Kiev in three directions on a large scale attack.

国际桥梁和结构工程协会在1991年于列宁格勒会议上汇总了这一领域的153篇文章。In the conference of IABSE held in 1991 at Leningrad , 153 papers of this area were published.