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但并非所有白人优越主义的头目都留意或在意他们自己的行为。But not all white supremacist leaders are mindful of their actions or care to be.

他向他的支持者发送了一封电子邮件从一个白人至上主义者小组的附件。He sent an email to his supporters with an attachment from a white supremacist group.

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我成为撒但教的大祭司,甚至让人喝我的血,我又加入了崇尚种族歧视的白人党派。I became a high priest of satanism—and even let others drink my blood. I joined a white supremacist gang.

六月,一白人优越主义分子在华盛顿纳粹大屠杀遇难者纪念馆开枪打死了一名黑人警卫。The next month a white supremacist murdered a black guard at the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC.

白人极右派领袖特雷布兰奇在他自己位于南非西北部的农场被杀害。South African white supremacist leader Eugene Terreblanche has been killed on his farm in the country's north-west.

噢,是因为“西方文化”除了精华之外再别无其他了吗?这人是有多么无知啊?!OH YEAH because the "western civilisation" in its totality is nothing but goodness? How ignorant and supremacist can one be?!

“该组织的活动具有至上主义者的特征,”维克多科林斯如此说道,他是该校学生事务多样性办公室的助理副主席。The group's activities had "a supremacist kind of agenda, " said Victor Collins, the university's assistant vice-president of student affairs for diversity.

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你们这些种族主义者少点偏激吧,为什么要奥巴马为布什挑起的战争负责?Stop making false statements you bunch of racist white supremacist ignorant rebushblicans. Question?Why are some of you blaming Obama for the two wars started by Bush?

很难精确标示出多少人同意白人优越主义的论调,因为互联网使人们可以在匿名的庇佑下跟随这些运动。It is difficult to pinpoint how many people subscribe to white supremacist views, because the Internet allows people to follow the movement under the cloak of anonymity.

其中绝大多数推崇白人优越主义信仰,从居住在都市的光头党到大多数盘踞在乡野的3K党。The vast majority of these groups promote white supremacist beliefs, and range from skinheads living in urban areas to the KKK ,which is based largely in rural settings.

他们被控蓄谋抢劫一家枪支商店,并欲以劫得的武器杀害几十个黑人学生,并希望最终以刺杀总统候选人奥巴马来结束这场全国性的犯罪行动。Two white supremacist skinheads were arrested in Tennessee over plans to go on a killing spree and eventually shoot Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, court documents showed on Tuesday.