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神认为这是有意义的。God thinks it's meaningful.

在有意义的情境或上下文中说这个音。Say the sound in meaningful context.

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你想你的工作更有意义。You want your work to be meaningful.

什么是有意义学习?Chapter1 What Is Meaningful Learning?

然而,有意义的协议并没有出现。But there was no meaningful agreement.

流水无情,人有义。Water ruthless, people more meaningful.

我们认为该决议非常有意义。We find the resolution very meaningful.

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这是非常有意义和重要的。And this is very meaningful and important.

阿诺德意味深长地看了艾尔玛一眼。Arnold directed a meaningful look at Irma.

我想,这是一个非常有意义的课题。This is a very meaningful topic , I think.

很平谈也很有意义的一个生日!Flat on are also very meaningful a birthday!

因此,研讨网络加密锁是很有意义的。So that net software dog is very meaningful.

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做有意义的事情,迎接新年的到来!Dosomething meaningful to start the new year!

峩旳生命因你而変得更有意乂。My life becomes more meaningful because of you.

让我们觉得我们的人生是有意义的。That makes us feel like our life is meaningful.

目前这是一种平稳的有意义的生活。Right now this is a balanced and meaningful life.

我们需要的是我们所经历的都是有意义的。We need what we’re experiencing to be meaningful.

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我们参加毅行者活动是有意义的。It is meaningful for us to join Oxfam Trailwalker.

知道这些短语怎么用是很有意义的。It is meaningful to know how to use these phrases.

两者同样有意义有价值。But again, both are meaningful as well as valuable.