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噢,那个总是机敏而幽默的肯詹宁斯。Oh, that Ken Jennings, always quick with a quip.

我的意见就是出去旅行,并时不时地说些自作聪明的俏皮话。My advice is to ride it out, make an occasional smart-aleck quip.

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现在许多心理学家认为,他的这句名言承载有许多哲学真理。Now psychologists have found that his quip bears the hallmark of truth.

如今事实野证明他的论断是正确的,这远不止一个将军的智慧。And now it turns out that his statement was more than just a folksy quip.

抽象的、笼统的行善是恶棍、伪君子和献媚者的托辞。Abstract and unspecific kindnesses are just quip of villians or hypocrites.

纽约人也很自豪能够妙语如珠或出言挑衅的讽刺。And New Yorkers pride themselves on quick quip or a biting sarcastic remark.

那我什么时候上班?这是个有点让人讨厌的问题。不要反客为主了。So, when do I start?A slightly obnoxious quip. Don't invite yourself into the job.

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“数据如果被折磨够久的话也会屈打成招,”统计师此言妙哉。“Torture the data long enough and they will confess to anything, ” statisticians quip.

每封信都以一个狡猾的附言结尾——都是对屋里那只叫做“王后”的猫的讥讽。Each letter ends with a p.s. that's a catty quip about the feline in the house, a.k.a. "The Queen."

他可能会反对那个在“赤裸的公务员”中塑造的妙语连珠的昆廷的形象——一个影响着赫特以后扮演的角色。Might he take exception to a quip Quentin once made that all Hurt's subsequent roles were the naked civil servant in various guises ?

这句俏皮话把可能阻止市场制造更多麻烦的经济联盟和“大跃进”联系了起来。The quip has gained a frightening new relevance ahead of a "great leap forward" to an economic union that can keep the markets at bay.

他会跟进有关如何与卢卡斯将遇到的麻烦,销售“死汉”玩具有趣讽刺。哦,哈里森,你赖皮小愤青。And he follows up with an amusing quip about how Lucas would've had trouble selling "dead Han" toys. Oh, Harrison, you rascally little cynic.

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他不仅表现出强烈的自我抨击,也讽刺了女孩被认为是成为顶尖运动员的一项奖赏的事实。As well as showing an attractive self-deprecation, his quip underlines the fact that girls are ­considered one of the rewards of being a top sportsman.

有一种讽刺的说法,说默克尔是唯一可以阻止奥巴马再次当选的政治家。这一说法表明,她拥有超级大的权力,也证实了人们对她没有善用权力的失望。The quip that Mrs Merkel is the only politician who can stop Barack Obama being re-elected attests both to her power and to frustration over how she wields it.

虽然没有那么神圣,但同样的观点也出自奥托.冯.俾斯麦之口,“上帝总是对傻瓜、醉汉以及美国人格外关照”。The same idea was expressed, albeit less nobly, in Otto von Bismarck's alleged quip that "God has a special providence for fools, drunks, and the United States."

他的话让我想起美国最后的喜剧大师乔治·卡林的一句著名的妙语---“这就是所谓的美国梦,因为你要在睡梦中才会相信它!”His words reminded me of a famous quip by George Carlin, the late, great American comedian – “It’s called the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.”