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为何怀特选择这一场景?Why does Wright choose this scene?

莱特兄弟是航空学先驱。Wright brothers were pioneers in aviation.

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进行了修改。Wright revised this image in those drafts.

奥维尔和威尔伯·赖特制造一架飞机。Orville and Wilbur Wright made an aeroplane.

工人兄弟生活在基蒂鹰,美国。The Wright brothers lived in Kittyhawk, USA.

好吧,这就是理查?莱特的遭遇。Well, this is what happened to Richard Wright.

威尔伯和奥维尔赖特有4要飞。Wilbur and Orville Wright had 4 wanted to fly.

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莱特采用的是什么样的风格和体裁?What is this genre that Wright is working with?

在银幕下的金妮韦斯莱,邦妮莱特看起来相当成熟。Ginny under the movie, Bonnie Wright looks so mature.

赖特和萨瓦那轮流把救生衣借给盖伊穿。Wright and Savana took turns lending him their vests.

——来自耶利米·A·赖特的快乐与力量的布道”。Sermons of Joy and Strength from Jeremiah A. Wright Jr.

莱特兄弟于1903年发明了飞机。Brother Wright invented the first plane in the year 1903.

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就有这样的美国自然主义特征。Wright is writing very much in the vein of those writers.

赖特是现代建筑的一代宗师。Frank Lloyd Wright is a great master of modern architecture.

在1989年,我损失的最重要的一个幕僚是贝琪.赖特。The biggest staff loss I sustained in 1989 was Betsey Wright.

赖特说“游戏让玩家用科学的方式学习。"Games have players use the scientific method, " says Wright.

赖特称其杰作“内部空间很自由”。"Interior space comes free, " Wright said of his masterpiece.

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流水别墅是赖特为卡夫曼家族设计的别墅。Fallingwater is Wright designed for the Kafu Man family villa.

在1903年12月17日,奥维尔·赖特爬进飞机。On 17 December 1903,Orville Wright climbed into the aeroplane.

就像黑泽明之与三船敏郎,沃纳·赫尔佐格之与克劳斯·金斯基,现在埃德加·怀特遇上了迈克尔·塞拉。Werner Herzog and Klaus Kinski. Edgar Wright and Michael Cera.