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我以我翔向胜利。I soar to victory.

胜利就在手边!Victory is at hand!

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我们队胜利了。Our team to victory.

胜利在望。Victory is in sight.

我们为她的胜利干杯。We drank to her victory.

我们的胜利来之不易。Our victory was hard-won.

这样的球队能打胜仗吗?Can such team hit victory?

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这样胜利就是你的了。Then the victory is yours.

什么时候我们能宣布胜利?When do we declare victory?

我们为我们的胜利而欢欣鼓舞。We exulted over our victory.

女预言家预言胜利。The sibyl prophesied victory.

大烟草商获得了一个巨大的胜利。A big victory for Big Tobacco.

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抗美援朝的胜利与政治动员密切相关。The victory of War to resist U.

他们赢得了世大的胜利。They scored an immense victory.

请从胜利桥那条路过去。Can you take the Victory Bridge?

G全称的含义是成功的马球运动。Victory horse polo game V. H. P.

智慧加毅力,拚搏能胜利。Wit and will strive for victory.

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不要让胜利冲昏了头脑。Don't be carried away by victory.

他带领他的队伍赢得胜利。He skippered his team to victory.

他率领队伍取得了胜利。He skippered the team to victory.