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什么是标准纱绞?What is the standard hank?

汉克是个淳朴的乡下少年。Hank is a small-town country boy.

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艾丽森的父亲汉克也是混血儿。Alison's father Hank is bi-racial.

汉克又给他们各自买了一杯咖啡。Hank bought them each another coffee.

汉克被巫医弄得皮肤呈棕色。Hank was done brown by a witch doctor.

今晚汉克和我要飞过去那里。Hank and I will be flying there tonight.

一汉克的棉纱长达840码。A hank of cotton yarn measures 840 yards.

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他正在努力把一卷毛线缠成线球。He is trying to wind a hank of wool into balls.

汉克却独独对一辆已有十五年车龄的跑车很欣赏。Hank fixed his sights on a 15-year-old sports car.

他们吃完饭后,汉克点上一支雪茄。After they had eaten their lunch, Hank lit a cigar.

汉克施密特在德比克,你刚才让我很快乐。Hank Schmidt In Der Beek , you have just made my day.

我今晚跟汉克谈谈这事,他通常是听得进意见的。I'll talk to Hank about it tonight. He usually listens.

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就在这时,一个威严的声音突然响起,把汉克吓了一跳。Just then a voice of authority sounded, and Hank jumped.

汉克和尼克奉命保护一个可疑人物。Hank and Nick are tasked with protecting a shady character.

汉克向丽塔求婚之前向丽塔的父亲请求他的祝福。Before Hank proposed to Rita, he asked her father for blessing.

鲍勃将自己的担忧告诉了保尔森,保尔森说,坐飞机过来吧。Bob told Hank Paulson about this fear and he said get on a plane.

我知道这很突然,但是汉克和我今晚就要离开了。This is short notice, I know. But Hank and I are leaving tonight.

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尤其在针织布、筒子纱、绞纱的皂洗工艺上效果更为突出。Especially, it has more excellent effect for knitted cheese, hank.

玛塞拉和汉克做着十分有意义的工作,继续他们忙碌的退休生活。Marcella and Hank continue a retirement busy with roving good works.

在你处地参观拜访,是咱们多少个月中最高兴滴一次。谨向您表现感激。hank you for one of the most enjoyable visits we have had in many months.