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享受属于你的多彩生活!Enjoy your colorful life!

多么鲜艳芬芳!How colorful and fragrant!

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我觉得很丰富多采的。I think it is very colorful.

你可以拥有丰富多采的人生。You can have a colorful life.

早安,我是彩虹色的花。Morning, I'm a colorful flower.

这个问题的答案一定是千姿百态的。The answers have to be colorful.

他们是多彩多姿、美丽。They are colorful and beautiful.

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虽然是姹紫嫣红的春天。Though it was a colorful spring.

因此,这是一个色彩更丰富的音阶So, this is a more colorful scale.

秋天有一盒五彩缤纷的颜料。Autumn has a box of colorful paint.

世界应该是丰富多采的。The world should be a colorful one.

微风中彩旗飘舞。Colorful flags danced in the breeze.

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生活犹如万花筒,五彩缤纷。Living like a kaleidoscope, colorful.

她是公正的、自由的、丰溢的。She is just, free, rich and colorful.

他们在树上挂了许多彩灯。They put colorful lights on the tree.

长寿面特写,好大的一碗!Colorful Long-life Noodle, so big one!

吹着七彩球笑看落花。Colorful falling ball Xiaokan blowing.

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彩色蜘蛛丝所料材质,可回收。Colorful spider silks can be recycled.

我依然可以享受这个五彩斑斓的世界。I can still enjoy this colorful world.

人们是拥有丰富人生的关键。Peopel are the key to a colorful life.