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他们这种状况存在骨软化症的风险。They are at risk for a condition called osteomalacia.

在成年人,缺钙可导致骨软化症。In adults, calcium deficiency may lead to osteomalacia.

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补钙是一种防止软骨病表示。A calcium supplement is indicated to prevent osteomalacia.

一个几乎相同的条件下,在成年人是所谓的软骨病。An almost identical condition in adults is called osteomalacia.

为了防治骨软化,你应该多服用一些乳酸钙。To prevent and cure osteomalacia you should take more calcium lactate.

他阻止我们佝偻病和骨软化的平衡钙,磷在我们的血液。He prevents us from rickets and osteomalacia by balancing the calcium and phosphorous in our blood.

充足的维生素D可预防形成骨骼疾病,例如佝偻病、骨软化和骨质疏松。Adequate vitamin D prevents the development of bone diseases such as rickets, osteomalacia and osteoporosis.

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少儿骨软化病人全血锌均下降,尿锌多下降。For osteomalacia children patients, Zn in blood decreased in all patients while Zn in urine decreased for most of them.

儿童常常游泳,则会促使骨骼钙化,能有效地防止佝偻病和软骨病的发生。Children often swim, it will promote bone calcification, can effectively prevent the occurrence of rickets and osteomalacia.

与低骨矿物质密度导致的骨质疏松症或骨质缺乏不同,骨软化症妨碍新骨形成。Unlike osteoporosis or osteopenia, which result from low bone mineral density, osteomalacia interferes with new bone formation.

在人体内部,紫外线被用来刺激维生素D的生成,这种维生素能预防驼背、骨软化和骨质疏松症等骨骼问题。Ultraviolet light is needed to activate production of vitamin D in the body, which prevents rickets, osteomalacia and osteoporosis.

结果表明,日粮中钙过多,磷、镁供给不足,钙、磷比例过大是致病的主要原因。The results show that the cow's disease was osteomalacia due mainly to deficiency of phosphorus and magnesium and excess of calcium.

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钙缺乏可致骨质疏松或骨质变软,还可能和高血压、结肠癌的发生有关。Chronic deficiency may be a factor in the development of osteoporosis or osteomalacia and may contribute to hypertension and colon cancer.

检测了先天性佝偻病、青春期佝偻病病人及患肾性骨病奶牛等血清DHCC水平。With this method, the serum levels of DHCC in healthy youth, patients with congenital rickets and puberty rickets and cow with renal osteomalacia were measured.

缺乏维生素D能使骨量减少或骨质疏松加剧,引起软骨病、肌无力及骨折风险增加。Itamin D deficiency in adults can precipitate or exacerbate osteopenia and osteoporosis, cause osteomalacia and muscle weakness, and increase the risk of fracture.

提示高剂量铝可影响大鼠骨基质明胶诱导性异位骨形成,阻碍其矿化作用,引起骨软化。It is suggested that high dose aluminium can affect in rats bone matrix gelatin-induced ectopic bone formation and hinder its mineralization, giving rise to osteomalacia.

肌体需要紫外光促进维他命D的合成,而维他命D可以预防佝偻病、骨软化病和骨质疏松症,另外它对一些癌症和免疫紊乱有调节作用。Ultraviolet light is needed to activate production of vitamin D in the body, which prevents rickets, osteomalacia and osteoporosis. It may also affect some cancers and immune disorders.

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全球化带来民族文化危机意识,弱势民族文化的根本危险在于失去了本土自觉之后的历史健忘症和文化软骨病。Globalization brings with the crisis consciousness of national culture. The radical risk of weak national culture lies in the history amnesia and culture osteomalacia that lose national consciousness.