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他们会用语法吗?Do they use grammar?

还是语法错误?Is it the grammar mistakes?

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语法是一门很好的训练科目。Grammar is a good gymnastic.

他喜欢英语语法吗?Does he like English grammar?

文法学校不在此列。Grammar schools were excluded.

但我不会因为语法错误给他们低分。I don't grade down for grammar.

我们不需要学文法。We don't need to learn grammar.

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他是法语语法专家。He's an expert on Frence grammar.

如何学习英语语法?How do you learn English grammar?

执行拼写和语法检查程序Run the Spell and Grammar Checker

她是一个文法学校的教师。Winick is a grammar school teacher.

林肯怎样自己语法的。B. How Lincon taught himself grammar.

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文法无法胜过习惯用法。Grammar cannot prevail against usage.

她教她的学生基本语法知识。She grounded her students in grammar.

那人语无伦次地问话。The man was asking, grammar wavering.

英文语法使那男孩大伤脑筋。English grammar tasked the boy' s mind.

中篇文章克漏字。Grammar. Medium length text open cloze.

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于是我决定每堂课都记大量的语法笔记。So I to lots of grammar in every class.

太多的语法和拼写错误。Too many grammar and spelling mistakes.

全是语法、语法、语法。and it's all grammar, grammar, grammar.