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我就是你的小贱人。I am totally your bitch.

我也有张碧池脸诶!I have a bitch face too!

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那“婊”的部分呢?What about the bitch part?

她是个坏得冒水的泼妇。She is the bitch from hell.

有谁能杀了那个婊子吗?Can some one kill that bitch?

你是一个生病的龟儿子。You are a sick son of a bitch.

还有一件事。等着瞧,贱货。One more thing. It's on, bitch.

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你个婊子养的杂种,要不亲我的屁股吧?Son of bitch. Kiss my ass , OK?

有时候我也挺碧池。I can, too, be a bitch sometimes.

那妄自尊大的婊子是谁啊?Who was that self-important bitch?

林奇饰演的则是一个穿运动服的婊子。Lynch plays a bitch in a tracksuit.

金钱是个永不休眠的婊子,而且是个醋坛子。Money is a bitch that never sleeps.

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你以为那黄脸婆比我伤得轻吗?Do you think that bitch hurt lesser?

成功是金,失败是狐狸精。Success is gold, failure is a bitch.

我真希望我愿意亲吻了那个狗娘养的。I wish I'd kissed the son of a bitch.

一个嚣张的贱种。One irritating little son of a bitch.

那个哈丽雅特是个心肠冷酷的婊子。That Harriet is a cold-hearted bitch.

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那个婊子抢了我的车位!That bitch just took my parking space!

这婊子从生下的那天起就不一样。That bitch was different from day one.

苏西那小贱人偷了我的梳子…That little bitch Susie stole my comb.