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明天就交夏至了。Tomorrow will be the Summer Solstice.

图片里的索斯提斯有三个月大。Solstice is three months old in this shot.

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每年夏至日出时行祭礼。Ceremonies were held on the summer solstice.

这个期间内还间隔有一次夏至。This period will be punctuated by the June Solstice.

我们还没有一日食一冬至2001年以来。We have not had an eclipse on a solstice since 2001.

冬至吃饺子,一个饺子一颗心。The winter solstice eat dumplings, dumplings one heart.

冬至吃饺子,一个饺子一颗心。Thee winter solstice eat dumplings, dumplings one heart.

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今天是下夏至,所以啰,欢迎来到妮莎的夏令营!Today is summer solstice so welcome to Nisha's summer camp!

夏至日的食物。清淡。凉面很能勾起思乡之情。Food on the summer solstice. Nostalgic are the cold noodles.

后来,张仲景在冬至那天去世。Afterwards, Zhang Zhongjing died on the day of winter solstice.

我在这夏至之夜到这里来便没错了。I had been right to come here, on the eve of the summer solstice.

可见,冬至后第三个戍日曾是腊日。Visible, Shu third day after the winter solstice was December day.

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一种由美洲印第安人在夏至进行的祭奠舞蹈。A ceremonial dance performed by amerindians at the summer solstice.

那么,12月的满月与至日重合有多频繁呢?So, how often does the December full moon coincide with the solstice?

比如在冬至日,热闹的罗马丰收节就成了圣诞节。The rowdy Roman harvest festival at winter solstice became Christmas.

今年,夏至适逢周末,本星期日又是父亲节。This year, the summer solstice falls on a weekend -- this Sunday. Father's Day.

除夕夜是来自冬至节由维京庆祝。Hogmanay is derived from the winter solstice festival celebrated by the Vikings.

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看着看着,冬至就到了,农谚里说“小寒大寒,杀猪过年”。Look, the winter solstice to the farmer's proverb says, " it is cold, pig year".

星期二是冬至,九铁预期很多人会提早放工。Tuesday is Winter Solstice and the KCRC estimates many people will leave work early.

值得注意的是,这次月全食恰好发生在冬至日。Remarkably, the total lunar eclipse coincided with the date of the December Solstice.