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这个速度计有毛病。The speedometer is faulty.

眼镜可以矫正视力缺陷。Spectacles correct faulty eyesight.

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高压截止器开关出故障。Faulty high pressure cut-off switch.

查看有问题的进水阀运行情况。Check for faulty fill valve operation.

这款酒有异味,我想它染上了木塞味。This wine is faulty. I think it's corked.

那台有毛病的割草机把草坪弄坏了。The faulty lawn mower chewed the grass up.

那架有毛病的割草机把草地弄坏了。The faulty lawn-mower chewed the grass up.

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车祸被归咎于刹车失灵。The car accident was laid to faulty brakes.

那个售货员骗她买下了一台有毛病的电脑。The salesman duped her into buying a faulty computer.

我翻阅了所做的笔记,免得记错了而使我误入歧途。I used notes lest faulty memory should lead me astray.

是一个线束有问题,我们会免费修好。It was a faulty wire harness. We will fix it for free.

例4.该公司已召回所有出故障的吹风机。The company has called back all the faulty hairdryers.

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推销员把一部有毛病的机器冒充正品卖给了那位女士。The salesman fobbed the lady off with a faulty machine.

太圆、太长而窄、或张开的足爪属于缺陷。Too round, long and narrow, or splayed feet are faulty.

拉什顿先生的理论由于错误的分析被否定了。Mr. Rushton's theory is squashed due to faulty analysis.

小贩对出售的次货是否一概负责?。Is the vendor always held responsible if goods are faulty?

由于劣质煤气取暖器漏气,这对夫妇窒息而死.The couple were suffocated by fumes from a faulty gas fire.

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我们仅有一个已用设备,另一套发生故障。We only have one used device, with the other set as faulty.

复杂定语因其结构复杂,往往容易引起语病。Its complex construction may easily lead to faulty wordings.

飞节太多角度高达太少故障。Too much angulation at the hocks is as faulty as too little.