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德军在库尔斯克的进攻失败了。The German offensive near Kursk fails.

德军在库尔斯克附近发起战斗。German troops have started fighting near Kursk.

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库尔斯克战役刚过去两周。The Battle of Kursk had ended just two weeks before.

另外一个库尔斯克核电站5号机组的RBMK-1000反应堆现在即将完工。Another RBMK-1000 of the 5th unit of the Kursk NPP is nearing completion.

打捞“库尔斯克”号的工作按计划将在大约两周后开始。The operation to raise the Kursk is scheduled to begin in about two weeks.

帝国师在库尔斯克战役结束后的数月任继续使用者临时师徽。Das Reich" used the Kursk marking for many months after the summer campaign."

库尔斯克地区一家农场的经理基拉穆索夫认为,今年收成可能会很不错。Yuri Khramtsov, manager of a farm in the Kursk region, expects a strong crop this year.

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我们已经描述了有关库尔斯克核电站的布局结构和历史。We’ve already written about the Kursk Nuclear Power Station and about its structure and history.

1943年,在库尔斯克会战期间,当一辆俄军T34坦克通过一个战壕时,红军士兵俯身躲在下面。Red Army soldiers in a trench as a Russian T-34 tank passes over them in 1943, during the Battle of Kursk.

突然间,数秒之内发生两起大爆炸,科斯克号于是沉入海底。Suddenly, two huge explosions occurred within seconds of each other and the Kursk sank to the bottom of the sea.

突然间,数秒之内发生两起大爆炸,科斯克号于是沉入海底。Suddenly, two huge explosions2 occurred within seconds of each other and the Kursk sank to the bottom of the sea.

摩托车侧兜上的双竖条标志是该师在库尔斯克战役时使用的。The twin bar emblem on the front of the sidecar was used as a divisional symbol by "Das Reich" during Battle of Kursk.

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挪威籍的瑞加利亚号潜水平台周日架设在库尔斯克号潜艇所沉没的北冰洋巴伦支海中。The Norwegian diving platform "Regalia" at the scene of the sunken Kursk submarine in the Arctic Barents Sea on Sunday.

1943年7月中旬,库尔斯克会战期间,南奥廖尔激战中的德军虎式坦克。In mid-July of 1943, "Tiger" tanks of the German Army during the heavy fighting south of Orel, during the Battle of Kursk.

库尔斯克会战期间的1943年7月28日,大量德军坦克集结,准备对苏军防御工事发对新一轮进攻。Huge numbers of German tanks concentrate for a new attack on Soviet fortifications on July 28, 1943, during the Battle of Kursk.

此外,来自美国军方的保罗莱恩,证实了纳粹派已经偷走了库尔斯克号上的核武器。In addition, Paul Laine, from US military intelligence, confirmed that the Nazi faction had stolen nuclear weapons from the Kursk.

我们已经描述了有关库尔斯克核电站的布局结构和历史。现在让我们来看看其他有关的细节。We've already written about the Kursk Nuclear Power Station and about its structure and history. Now let's see some other details.

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在世纪之交的时候,大概是1999年或者2000年的8月,库尔斯克将被水淹没,整个世界都会为之流泪。At the turn of the century, in August of 1999 or 2000, Kursk will be covered with water, and the whole world will be weeping over it.

美国海军方面表示,“哈特福德”号核潜艇以及“新奥尔良号”登陆舰均被派往霍尔木兹海峡执行例行安保任务。The U. S. Navy said, " Hartford " Kursk and "No. New Orleans" landing craft were dispatched to the Strait of Hormuz routine security mission.

肉鸡数以千计扔掉死在库尔斯克地区的家禽在农场以外的人,因为没有什么养活他们的。Thousands of broiler chickens were thrown away to die outside at one of the poultry farms in Kursk region, as there was nothing to feed them with.