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因为我们原以为它是一只雄猫呢。That cat is rolling a boll.

我很在意不乌韦棉铃电影。I don't much care for Uwe Boll movies.

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他看见那个球向船上那个人直飞过去。He saw that boll fly straint to the man.

可别说乌维•鲍尔什么表演技巧都没教给你啊。Never say Uwe Boll never gave you nothing.

说完他深深地吸了一口气,让酒保加了一杯酒。After he said it, he let the boll to add a beer.

单铃重主要受基因的显性效应控制,显性效应是加性效应的24倍。The dominant of boll weight is 24 times of the additive.

索尔仁尼琴受到了德国小说家海因里希·玻尔的欢迎。Mr. Solzhenitsyn was welcomed by the German novelist Heinrich Böll.

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他就象棉桃里的棉花,象豌豆地里的野兔子一样生下来了。He got born like the cotton in the boll or the rabbit in the pea patch.

增产的主要原因是单株成铃数的增加。The mature boll number accounts was the main reason of yield improvement.

南部农场示范工作大大帮助了对棉花象鼻虫的防治。Farm demonstration work in the South helped to fight the cotton boll weevil.

棉花在植株上作为附着在种籽上的长茸毛在棉铃里生长发育。The cotton grows on the plant as long hairs attached to the seeds inside the boll.

2000年,他创建了鲍尔电影公司并继续编、导并制作特色影片。In 2000 he founded Boll KG and continued to direct, write and produce feature films.

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温度、日照时数对棉花脱叶速度、脱叶率及吐絮率有一定影响。The rate of shed leaves and boll open were influenced by temperature and sunlight hours.

这些低中级选手根本就不习惯这种低重心的基本站位,就像图中波尔演示的那样。They are simply not accustomed to a low basic position, like Timo Boll is demonstrating.

在干物质分配上以茎枝较多,经济器官居第二位,叶居第三位。On the distribution of the DMW, the stem branch is first, the boll second, the leaf third.

以高品质棉“科棉2号”为材料,研究高品质棉的棉铃发育及形成规律。The boll development and formation of "Kemian 2" with high quality was studied in this paper.

在这个容易惹上官司的时代,博尔医生敢于冒这样的风险,挺身而出,实在是太让人感激了。We are so thankful that in this age of lawsuits, Dr. Boll was willing to put himself on the line.

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籽指通过铃重对F_3代衣分的间接作用亦十分明显。Through boll weight, the indirect effect of seed index fo lint in F3 generation was quite obvious.

研究了晋A棉花质核不育系的天然异交与成铃。Natural crossing and boll setting of a nucleo-cytoplasmic sterile line of cotton Jin-A were studied.

表明应用本系统模拟蕾铃发育和脱落比较准确、可靠。Thus, this methodology for simulating boll development and abscission process is precise and reliable.